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Career Exploration: How I Figured Out What To Do After University

By Agnes Sokolowska, mathematics student blogger Like many people, I came to university with a very vague idea of my career plans. In fact, the further I got into my degree, I became even less sure of what I wanted to do. For my first blog post, I want to share how I figured out …

My Top Tips for Virtual Assessment Centres

By Janvi Patel, second year economics student Reaching the assessment centre stage of the application process is an incredible achievement. The assessment centre is usually the final hurdle to land an internship or graduate role. Here are my top tips for preparing for an assessment centre from my experience: Tip one: Bullet point ideas for …

An Exploration of the Virtual Reality Industry

By Bethany Read, English student As someone who is by no means set on a future career path, I am always interested in exploring new and exciting options. So when I saw that the Careers and Employability Service was offering a Spotlight On event about creative careers in media and virtual reality (VR), I was …

How I Secured Work in the UK as an International Student

By Carlos Sanders Velez, Junior Medical Writer at McCann Health London My name is Carlos Sanders Velez, an international student, and I am currently working part-time as a Junior Medical Writer at McCann Health London. My current role involves the careful review of science manuscripts and adapting messages for the specific audience (it can be …

Why You Need Unitemps

By Joe Paternoster, psychology student blogger Towards the start of my masters degree, I was struggling. The workload had hit me like a truck, and I was starting to realise how not having a maintenance loan in the traditional sense was hugely detrimental to my finances. I needed a fix, a way to somehow earn …

Transitioning from PhD to Postdoc

By Dr Erin Connelly, School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick and UoN alumna Determining your pathway in academia is specific to personal circumstances and varies greatly by individual and discipline. However, this post will attempt to draw out some general practical steps that may be transferable to a wide range of situations. This post …

Profiling for Success: Your Online Reflection Tool

By Charlene Binding, Employability Education Projects Officer How easy is it for you to describe your learning style, figure out your personality type or pinpoint the things that matter to you most about your career? If you’re feeling a bit stuck about career areas that appeal to you, or aren’t sure how to articulate these …

Careers in the Lab: Alumni Insight

By Gemma Foxall, Employability Education Projects Officer As part of our Spotlight On series of events, we held an informative session all about lab-based careers. Amy (MSci Human Genetics), Group Leader at Charles River Laboratories, Jaimee (BSc Biology), Brain Bank Technician at King’s College London, and Liam (BSc Microbiology), Lab Manager at NHS Test and …

What Is a Mentor… and Do I Really Need One?

By Katy Skillen MNutr Master of Nutrition and Dietetics, third year “I’ve found a mentor!” Recently, my housemate told me that she’s found a careers mentor for herself, and I was actually really surprised. I hadn’t heard of many people getting mentors before and didn’t really understand what a mentor is. So, let me break …

Summer Work Experience as a Graphic Designer

By Gabriela Florescu, architecture and built environment student blogger Last summer I was offered the opportunity to work as a graphic designer for a small local company in my home town. It was a useful experience not just for my future career, but it also helped develop skills that would help me during my studies. …