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Six Speedy Ways to Impress Employers at the Graduate Jobs Fair

Exams are in sight, but have you thought about what you’d like to do after you leave the world of revision, exam stress and post-exam celebrations? Our Graduate Jobs Fair is the perfect opportunity for you to meet employers and find out about job opportunities for 2018 and beyond. If you’ve not had much time …

How I Went from Biochemistry to Detective Inspector

By Mike Allen, Senior Investigating Officer at Nottinghamshire Police I graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2000 with a B.Sc (Hons) 2:1 in Biochemistry and Biological Chemistry and began my training with Nottinghamshire Police the following month. I spent the first five years of my service as a Response Officer, dealing predominantly with emergency incidents, …

What Can You Expect from a Career with the Police?

Claire Rukas, Police Inspector with Nottinghamshire Police. I joined the service in August 2007 after graduating from the University of Nottingham with a 2:1 in law. I found university a fantastic experience, an excellent course and met friends who still have, and will continue to have, a huge impact on my life. I knew early …

How Many Ways Can You Get Paid To Work With Words?

By Laura Sage, final year, BA Hons English Writing is a wonderful hobby, and an excellent skill to help you achieve success in life. I myself have always been an avid writer, from the stories I wrote as a kid to the blogs I produce now for Careers. I have always known I wanted to write …

Q and A: Developing Leadership Skills at University – For Free!

By Martina di Costanzo, second year, BSc Hons Psychology Last year, I applied for a free two-day leadership course sponsored by the Careers and Employability Service. Day one explored how to lead yourself and day two covered leading others. I sat down with this year’s organiser, to answer some questions about my experiences.  1. Why did you apply to …

Five Fun Ways to Make Money at University

By Grace Pownall, third year, MEng Hons Civil Engineering Balancing part time work with a full time degree can be a daunting prospect. However, I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be. During my time at Nottingham, I have had several temporary,  casual jobs – but none of them felt like hard …

What You Need to Know About Accepting Job Offers from Companies

By Erica Sparkes, Employability Education Projects Officer – Placements You have attended the interview, you may have even gone through an assessment centre, and finally after the hours you have put into your application, you have received an offer of employment. What a relief! Or is it? Accepting an offer can be a tricky business. Your …

STEM students looking for summer internships – Why not try something a little different?

By Chris Colegate, Careers and Employability Placement Consultant Internships are hard to get – yes, you all know that! Securing something that’s really closely matched to your degree can make the search even harder. With that in mind its worth keeping your options open and as broad as possible. Why not consider something completely different …

Why Should You Try a Summer Internship? Plus Bonus Tips for Medics

By Krishna Rajan, BMedSci, graduated 2016, and 4th year medical student Work experience – two words I used to shudder at the sound of. “Does that one thing I did that one time count?” I’d ask myself. It soon became clear that I needed to stop worrying and start looking. As a medic, my schedule is pretty …

18 Blog Posts About Showers: And Other Happenings During My Internship

By Laura Sage, final year, BA Hons English This time last year I set my sights on a marketing internship I spotted through the Nottingham Internship Scheme. This is an initiative that hooks students up with local companies in paid roles.  When I saw that a position as a copywriter for the digital marketing agency, Distinction, was available, …