November 14, 2017, by Carla
Your Questions, Answered: How to Succeed at Teamwork
By Kathryn Moss, Employability Officer
The ability to work well in a team is one of the most important things that a graduate recruiter is looking for.
When you enter the world of work, you will find yourself working with people that you have never met before. More often than not, you will not get to choose who you work with. It’s likely you will end up in a team of people who have different strengths and personalities to you.
Q. How can I improve at teamwork?
A. It is a good idea to get as much experience working with different people as soon as possible. This ensures you can give lots of examples on your CV when it comes to making applications. Also, it won’t phase you when you do start work. You may be used to working with other students, but consider how you might handle working with people who are significantly older than you or have very different educational backgrounds to your own.
Q. How do I get experience in teamwork?
A. The good news is that you can get lots of teamworking experience simply by being at university. Think about group projects that you may be involved in through your course… remember these are perfectly valid examples to put on your CV, but you should give some other examples too if you want to stand out from the crowd.
If you haven’t already got experience, why not consider getting some? You can get experience in lots of different ways; taking on a part-time job around your studies, completing an internship, or volunteering are great ways to get experience at working with other people. You could also take part in activities we organise, such as the Nottingham Consultancy Challenge or the Nottingham Advantage Award.
Q. How do I talk about teamwork on my CV?
A. As with all experience on your CV, you should be specific. You should also give examples of HOW you worked well in a team, what you did, and what the outcome was. One good way to structure an example in your CV is to use the STAR technique, which we showcase on on page 41 of the Careers Handbook.
For more great examples, take a look at our CV booklet or come along to a drop in or CV appointment to get some help.
Looking for help showcasing your skills on your CV or in applications? Book an appointment with our team.
Excellent and intelligently written post … this will help me out of the funk I’ve found myself in lately .. thanks!