September 29, 2015, by Laura Estrop
Q. What can you do with an arts or social science degree?
By Laura Estrop, Social Media Officer
A. Anything! But have you considered a career in management?
As an arts or a social science student you have a wide and varied skill set, which makes you very attractive to employers. However, this diverse set of skills and knowledge could also mean that you’re unsure about the career path you want to take. If this sounds like you, why not help yourself and see what you can gain at the Careers in Management Fair on 12 October?
You don’t need a degree in management
Everyone is welcome at the fair. All you will need to bring along with you are the skills you have gained from your degree. You may be able to speak a foreign language, or have strong critical; thinking or communication skills, or strong organisation skills; these are just some of the skills you have gained from your degree that can lead to a role in management. So whether you are studying geography or American and Canadian studies, there is no excuse for you not to attend.
The companies are looking for skills just like yours
At this year’s fair you will have the chance to speak with over 80 employers from a wide range of industries. Management roles spread across a number of different sectors, which means that companies from a range of backgrounds and values will be in attendance. So for example, if you see yourself working for an international company or a small charity, chances are you will find the right management role for you. Some companies will be recruiting from specific degrees but the majority are looking for any students from any degree discipline who are enthusiastic and keen on one of the roles on offer.
Here is just a taster of the sectors that are being recruited to at this year’s fair:
- Advertising
- Broadcasting and journalism
- Event management
- Marketing
- Law
- Teaching
Below are some examples of companies who are coming to the fair and the areas they are recruiting to, if you would like to see who else is coming this year then have a look at our fair guide.
There are so many opportunities at the fair that you should keep an open mind and think about what it is that you want to get out of it. Here is an example of the types of things you should think about:
- Do I want to work for a major international company or an independent charity?
- Do I want an internship or a graduate role?
- Am I willing to move to a different city?
Just remember, you have all of the skills so you can get a career in management.
Who could say no? Make sure you come along to the Careers in Management Fair on Monday 12 October. More information about the fair can be found here.
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