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It all started at Nottingham…

So often in life we’re told to be realistic and to take tentative steps towards our dreams – sometimes to the extent of putting them on hold and forgetting what they were in the first place.There is no wrong path to take as you aim to find your feet in the world and we are …

Top tips from our alumni 2

Since the beginning of this month we have been asking alumni for the advice they would give to recent graduates and they’ve delivered a fantastic range of inspiration so far. We’ll be posting more pearls of wisdom on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so keep a look out for them. Here’s just a sample of their advice:      …

What’s it like to work in local government? Natalia gives her insights

By Natalia Deane, BA Politics It was at a neighbour’s Christmas party last December when I found out about my placement. I’d just got chatting to one of my neighbours who happened to work at Buckinghamshire County Council and she put me in touch with someone who then arranged an interview. I was drawn to …

Three steps to balancing part-time work and university life

You might be starting university in September or perhaps you’re returning to Nottingham after your summer vacation – whatever the case, there are plenty of reasons to consider a part-time job. You won’t only will feel less stretched and in control of your budgeting through having an extra bit of money, but you will be able …

Are Internships With SMEs the Way Forward? Megan Thinks So!

By Megan Thomsett, MSci Chemistry I am currently undertaking a summer internship at a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) within the chemical industry called Reach Separations and before I submitted my application I hadn’t even heard of them! While browsing Twitter, I came across a very thought-provoking article written by a biochemist and science blogger …

First Week to Your First Job: We’ll Support You Every Step of the Way

Congratulations on securing your place at The University of Nottingham, we hope you’re looking forward to starting your degree as much as we’re looking forward to meeting you! As your Careers and Employability Service we can help you from your first to your final week and beyond: here are some ways that we can do …

Filling your CV and your wallet: popular part-time positions

With 59% of students working during their studies*, having a part-time job at university is becoming increasingly common.  If you’re going to be looking for a part-time job for September and onward, whether it’s to fund your studies or gain work experience, we’ve compiled a few things you may want to consider about some of …

Top tips from our alumni

Over the last two weeks we’ve asked our alumni what careers advice they wish they would have known as a recent graduate. We’ve received a great range of tips and here is just a selection of the advice so far. We’ll be posting more pearls of wisdom on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so keep a …

6 ways to become an internationally-savvy candidate

Developing international skills and cultural awareness can make you an appealing candidate for an employer, especially if you’re planning on working abroad. However, these competencies will also be needed if you want to work for a multicultural company, where you could find yourself working abroad or with international teams. Likewise, even if you work for …

Graduate Job Hunt Procrastination: What’s the Cure?

Job hunt procrastination: a condition prevalent among recent graduates, characterised by a loss of motivation for finding and applying for a job. Those experiencing procrastination may go to extreme lengths to avoid job hunting, such as prolonged Googling of unrelated subjects and intensive periods of cat video viewing.  We’ve dissected some of the common symptoms of job …