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Things I’ve Learnt When Doing My Dissertation

Already into the third month of 2016, your dissertation deadline’s probably getting dangerously close. We’re all dealing with it differently – denial, followed by another day in bed watching House of Cards. Rage. Frustration. Calling your mum in a panic. Worry. Even accepting defeat.   Don’t worry. We’re going to get through this.   Here …

Things Not To Ask a Final Year

It’s that time in a third year’s life when things are starting to accumulate. The work loads looming, dissertation and project deadlines creeping, the omniscient real-life approaching… But I’m not alone in my sorrow and stress. We final years gather together and share our woes, discussing the questions that trouble us so. Especially after a …

A Few Things I’m Missing About Uni

In the days leading up to Christmas I made a post about what I was looking forward to about going home. Now that I’m at home, it only seems right to make a post about what I’m missing back at uni…   1: Sainsbury’s on Derby Road It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, you …

“Home” for the holidays

Christmas break has arrived! It’s the first holiday for first years; a time when every fresher has to grapple with one simple (or, not so simple) word: home. Many students say they’re going ‘home for the holidays’, meaning that they’ll be returning to their parents’ or family’s house. Yet confusion then arises in what to …

4 Reasons Being On 4-Year Course is Great (and not so great)

  PROs 1. Putting off “Real World” Responsibilities (for the time-being) You get to put off post university responsibilities for at least another year. Think about it, while your university friends who are graduating this year are stressing about things like finding a job or moving back home you are still warm in your little university bubble! …

The Lab Sessions

As you may already know from my previous posts on the blog, I am currently in the midst of my research project for which I will have to write up a 7000-word dissertation. I consider myself as one of the lucky ones as I only have to write up what my school calls a “mini-dissertation” which …


I was struggling a bit with how to start my career as a Student Life blogger this week, but I guess we should start with some introductions! The Basics: My name is Laurie, I’m from Brighton, and I’m a 20 year old, third year Politics student here in Nottingham. I was in Broadgate Park halls …

A new beginning

This is it. My final post. It has been two full years since I started blogging and so much has happened in that time – good and bad. But I made it (Praise God!) and now have photos like this:     Graduation Graduation was definitely an experience. We stayed in the Uni hotel (ooh …

Christmas Capers

I have succumbed to Christmas cheer. As the date on my phone, ticked over or rather changed, to the 1st December the countdown to Christmas was on. As soon as I start counting it all starts to feel real. Also with my birthday thrown in between now and Christmas, deadlines and going back home the month of …

13 emotional states of University

University. The time of your life. Or rather, a time in your life. I find that dictating how you’re “meant” to feel about something is never really helpful. We feel how we feel, then we have to recognise it and handle it and manage it. A typical example is Fresher’s week – it’s so hyped …