5 ways to enjoy the sun
March 23, 2021
Ahhh, Spring is finally upon us! I don’t know about you, but as soon as the sun comes out, I shed my jacket, grab an iced latte and pretend I’m not shivering. So here are some ways to enjoy that beautiful sun, even if it’s not warm enough for summer dresses yet. 1. …
My favourite walks around Nottingham City Centre
March 9, 2021
Since September, I’ve been living in the city centre. Similarly to everyone else, I’ve also taken up daily walks. These definitely have given me a deeper appreciation of the city and I strongly encourage you to go on a walk around Nottingham city centre when you have the chance. The Arboretum (obviously) The Nottingham Trent …
5 Things You Must Do This Summer Lest It Be Wasted
May 31, 2019
Learn to Surf The sea seems pretty when there’s land beneath your feet but if you’ve ever come into contact with the vast thing, you’ll be aware that its appearance is a lie, its shining surface is lovely icing on a bad sponge. The sea is cold, upsets the tongue and tum when sipped, and …
What To Do In A Heatwave!
May 10, 2016
As you may have noticed, it’s been pretty hot for the last few days! If you couldn’t tell from the temperature, a few tell-tale signs of a heatwave in Britain include: the BBQ section of the supermarket selling out overnight, the people next door have inexpliably found a paddling pool from somewhere, literally everyone you …
Hello from Cornwall!
April 10, 2015
This last week I have been in Cornwall, in order to have a bit of a break before revision for summer exams seriously gets underway (sigh). To deserve the time off, I mainly spent the first week of the holidays finishing off and editing the first complete draft of my dissertation. As that’s not very interesting, …
June 11, 2013
It’s a feeling some of you have probably experienced by now, making the long journey home and just flopping onto the sofa because your parents are going to take care of everything. There are clean bed sheets on your bed, washing up just magically does itself and the best thing? You can run a bath …
June 5, 2013
Nausea is rising Patience getting low According to all sources The Doctor’s is where to go! So this week can be the last time (last time) Just about half past ten The last time I feel really sick And have to go to the Doctor’s again! Yes the most exciting thing this week is going …
Freedom tastes so sweet (until you get sunburn)
June 4, 2013
An hour boating on the lake was celebration enough for the freedom of second year. It wasn’t without its challenges, rowing in a straight line was only the start of our troubles. 1. I actually managed to fall off the rowing seat when the oar came out of its little holding thing… it would have …