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5 Things I’ll Miss About Living In A Student House

I could finally relate to the TV show Friends. Recently excited first and second years have been stumbling into our house, checking out the rooms and seeing if they want to rent the home. Watching them walk in, Starbucks and Unipol pamphlets in hand I am transported back to January 2015 when me and my friends ambitiously …

What I wish I knew about leaving home for the first time

Having spent the last 18 years of my life in the same city, I was undoubtedly excited to move to Nottingham to pursue my dream degree. As an international student, 4500 miles away from home, I couldn’t wait for the changes that this move would bring. Don’t get me wrong, I love Dubai. It’s a …

How do I run a society?

So you’ve either got a society, thinking of making a society, or you’re just curious to find out what the ‘behind the scenes’ of a university society looks like. Well, look no further! I’m the president of the Contemporary China society and I’m going to give you a couple of my tips or things I’ve …

What I Wish I Knew Before I Started House Hunting

As I sat in the library typing this blog post, I couldn’t help but overhear a group of first-year students discussing their housing plans. I felt a sudden sense of nostalgia as I thought back to two years ago when I made the most adult decision of my life so far — I (together with …

Uni: Top Five Moments

This day has finally come, where I am writing my final blog post for the university. It also means that I am no longer a student at the university. Don’t get me wrong, I am so glad to be done with exams (for a while at least). However I am not quite ready to stop being …

3 Exciting Events In Nottingham This August

Got a placement or a student job and are sticking around Nottingham for the summer? Need some things to do to fill your time around the beautiful city? One of the great things about Nottingham is that it is always filled with events – you’re never short of things to do. I’ve compiled a quick list …

What graduation is actually like

08:00– final drive down to Nottingham. Let’s not get too emotional Gemma, it’s only the A52. 10:00 – god it’s getting hot already. Might open a window. But that would mess up my hair. Am going to kill anyone that tries to open a window. 10:01 – I’m going to kill my brother. 11:35 – …

5 Reasons Why Nottingham Buses Are The Best

After living in Nottingham for two years now I have become familiar with the NCT bus system. One of the main things that enticed me about the city was its reputation for great public transport and I am here to tell you why it has lived up to that reputation. 1.Electronic Bus Times The times …

Spending the summer in Notts? Be a tourist!

It’s rather an English tradition that, come summer, students flock back to the nest for a few months instead of sticking around their university town. A Dutch friend of mine found this bizarre and confusing – why would you want to go back to your parents’ place? (Aside from cheaper living costs, of course…) For …

Why Second Year is the Best Year

As of today I have officially finished my second year of university. The time has flown faster than expected and now I only have a summer separating me and the last year of my degree. Whilst I have not experienced third year yet, I have a feeling it will be a lot of ugly crying …