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Greetings & Goose Fair

Hi there! My name is Olivia and I am from Malaysia. You may recognize me if you’ve been reading the university’s fresher blog; “A Fresh Start”. I am in my second year of Pharmacy. Some things I like include cupcakes and traveling. Things I dislike are 9 to 5 lecture days and fire alarms. I …

The Search for Robin Hood

Three years in Nottingham and I had been an awful tourist; no jumper tied around the waist, no asking the locals to take my picture in front of the Castle and no sightings of Robin Hood! To be fair I was pretty sure Mr Hood had taken up his retirement and started selling jacket potatoes in …

Hey, it’s OK

Waiting for the treasury to open this morning I bought my first magazine of 2013 and found this while flicking though; I’m pretty sure it was written for me.  A combination of rum, a bad knee and heels saw me flashing my underwear on Saturday night.  No-one noticed… at least that’s what I keep telling myself. * …

Much love for the people of Nottingham over here

This week I nearly ended up having ‘bitten by a squirrel’ added to my medical file but (thankfully) due to my wimpishness and jumping half a mile when a squirrel ran up my leg, I don’t.  Two of my friends do; think the squirrels of University Park are getting far too bold for their boots.  However, got …

Big Brother is watching…the BBC Good Food Show

“WAR IS PEACE” “FREEDOM IS SLAVERY” “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH” Ever wondered where the phrases “big Brother” and “room 101” come from? Well the answer is the novel 1984 by George Orwell; a bleak portrayal of a future where a dictatorship rules humanity and life is defined by the slogans above. The New Theatre (the only …

When in Rome… I mean Nottingham!

Hello all and welcome to Round 2! This week’s blog is fresh off the press and the content you will be feasting upon is my version of The Nottingham Bucket List. Hopefully you’ll find it agreeable, or rather you will do once you break the student stereotype and get out of the bed and experience …

The Last 10 Credits

As of 2.30pm this afternoon I have officially completed my undergraduate degree. As the final minutes of the exam ticked away and I frantically wrote my concluding sentences I realised these were the last sentences I would write in the last ten credits of my degree. They were related to culture and power relations and …