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The end of Surgery and the beginning of Medicine

Hello again, It’s weird really. I just published a post this morning but it’s now gone. So, I’ll just write again 😀 As I’ve said earlier this morning, we (medical students in Surgery) got a day off before moving on to Medicine next week. Surgery has been fantastic! I got to help surgeons in Operation …

It’s snowing!!!

Hello everybody! I am just in such a good mood this week. A lot of great things happened that I’d like to tell you all. Firstly, it began to snow heavily yesterday. Alright, I apologize if you’re not so much into snow. But being a student originally from a tropical country where the weather can …

The end of exams and the start of semester two

Hi everyone, The first week back at lectures has been quite hard work! I think my second exam, on Saturday 21st, went pretty well; my last exam on Monday 23rd I wasn’t quite so happy with, but I think I did the best that I could have done and by that point I was just …


Hello everyone! I’m so sorry about my absence of late… the last few weeks before the Autumn term ended were very busy, and since then I’ve been busy with coursework and exam revision. I handed in two pieces of coursework on Wednesday; they both were very difficult and took a lot of effort but I’m reasonably …

1 down, 1 to go

Hey there! I’ve had my first essay exam of the year 2 days ago…and now, just one more left and then, I’ll be free! Alhamdulillah, I am very delighted that I managed to answer the essay questions quite alright on Friday. At least, I felt confident during the exam. I just hope that I can …

It’s almost the end of the term & I have 2 more exams to go

I think the title of the post is self-explanatory, don’t you think? Well yeah, I have an exam this Friday and it’s in essay format! It’s a bit daunting really as I don’t usually perform well when it comes to essay. In addition to that, I am not done with my revision and I still …

just another great week in my life

Hi readers! Yeah, I survived my first exam of the year! The module (subject) is called REM, Research Methods. I think it went quite alright although I’m not that confident that I will score high. Anyway, speaking of examinations, I once remembered submitting a quotation to my previous college, KMB (Kolej MARA Banting or MARA …