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Avoiding Cabin Fever

We all know the feeling. You’ve been working solidly for a few hours straight. Your vision starts to go slightly funny if you look out your window at actual daylight for too long. You check the time every five minutes to see if it’s dinner time yet. You fill up your water bottle only halfway, …

Are U Healthy?

Well this week I have looked like this: And it has felt a bit like this: Apparently Mumford and Sons did a cover of this song –> random. Also this is very true: I want to be a cat…because a cat’s the only cat….who doesn’t have revision. However, one thing I did find time to …

From Baking to Shooting (How long can you hide from revision?)

Sleep is quickly becoming a long forgotten luxury, especially when you forget to turn of the weekend’s 6am alarm and have a more than unwanted wake up call Monday morning. Food has almost joined sleep, not even Ben and Jerry’s tastes as good anymore and as for actually cooking??? You’d think it would be a …

Are YOU an Internet Addict?!

Hi, my name is Kiran Benawra and I am an Internet addict. At the moment I have 16 tabs open and no idea how it happened (are you now counting how many tabs you have open?!) If you can’t cope a week, a day, an hour without being connected to the World Wide Web then …

Celebrations Before Exams Start

This week I turned 21. To be honest, I don’t really understand why 21 is such a big deal in the UK. In the USA, you can legally drink, but here, it’s just another number. Nevertheless, I got caught up in the whole “Wooo, I’m 21!” business by celebrating with a casual dinner with mates, …

Chasing the sun

Students are emerging from the dark, weary eyed and seeing the paradise that lay before them. SUNSHINE. The temperatures are pushing the high teens and the sudden, uncontrollable urge to sit on the ground in the sun is among us.   When the sun comes out I consider myself to be a bit of an …

Revision fever

Imagine, if you will: You are looking at your hand, and you notice a small red mark, like chicken pox. You spend a long time cleaning it, putting on special medication, and eventually, after your extensive ministrations, the spot disappears. You think to yourself “brilliant, my hand is healed, how nice to see some clear …

Rugby and Crab Spiders

Thanks to this week’s field course write up deadline I am practically dreaming about spiders but this weekend was a bank holiday so I can’t all be work can it now? My break from work came in the form of a rugby game; a rather drawn out whole day to be a little more honest …

Library Lifestyle

Living the fun lifestyle of a third year, I’ve been spending quite a lot of the time in the library at the moment. Yesterday I went to Hallward, nipped out to see East at the Nottingham New Theatre and it was back to the library until 1:30am. I’m sure many of you are thinking ‘That’s …

Everything BUT Revision

Hi there. I finally finished my project, and got it professionally printed and bound at the SU Print Shop. Hurray! It felt really strange handing it in because it meant it was officially over… No more proofing, re-arranging tables or finding other ways to say “Therefore” and “However”. At least now I can concentrate on revising for exams… …