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Freedom tastes so sweet (until you get sunburn)

An hour boating on the lake was celebration enough for the freedom of second year.  It wasn’t without its challenges, rowing in a straight line was only the start of our troubles. 1. I actually managed to fall off the rowing seat when the oar came out of its little holding thing… it would have …

So Nearly There

I’ve been at home for nearly two weeks now. In hindsight, it probably wasn’t the best of ideas as coming home is usually more like a holiday than a time to revise. Maybe I would have been more productive if I had stayed in Nottingham. Nevertheless, I’ve enjoyed revision breaks of playing with my baby …

With a heavy heart

Less than one week lies between me and freedom, me and second year and sadly, me and the end of this position as the ‘Fresher blogger’. Last night when trying to post my blog I was belied by the internet, which for close to a week has been defunct in my hall. All problems resolved …

We are the Champions

To all those revising, head on desk, bloodshot eyes, shaking hands – I salute you. I am aware that you are enduring torment so that you might achieve, and that for you freedom is currently the light at the end of a distant tunnel – somewhat like the escape from Shawshank. My thoughts and prayers …

Obvious Life Tips About Things That Don’t Matter

      Last week I was going crazy in the library:   That was before. I am now one of the lucky few that have  finished, done with exams and essays and Hallward. (Didn’t mean to rub it if you are not free yet! It will all be over soon) If you are still …

Your-Revision Song Contest

Well I am in the thick of exams at the moment – 1 down 3 to go! It was also the Eurovision song contest last weekend (so bad it’s good) which I LOVE and that was a lovely revision break. For me, the winners were Greece with this beauty ‘alcohol is free’: But I’m glad …


Now I know you’re probably only reading this because you’ve exhausted all other forms of procrastination and you’re desperately trying to think of things you ‘need’ to do/check/read that are unrelated to whatever topic you are currently supposed to be revising (or you’re one of those very lucky people with no exams and you just …

Good Luck!

You know its revision time when you emerge from your prison of a room to find all the lights out in your student living room at 9.30 on a Sunday evening; typically prime house bonding time. Theres an tangible tension that fills the house and the only sounds that can be heard are the tapping …

Hallward…We Need To Talk!

      Dear Hallward, I think we need to talk. We’ve had a good run and I’ve been thinking about this for a long time now. I don’t think it’s working anymore. I mean, I have been working but you try and distract me with you vending machines and your swivel chairs and your …

Furious Flashback

In the words of the wise Craig Charles it’s time for a ‘Ridiculous Replay’. My first year is in it’s final fleeting weeks but rather than look ahead at the impending exams I want to have a ‘Furious flashback’ at the year. Yes it’s a cliché but there hasn’t been a single standout moment but …