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The Great British Bake Off Final(ly)

Today’s blog concerns an essential goody of the student’s well-rounded diet. It is the perfect pastime for a tea-cupped night in. A wholesome source of pure, filmic entertainment – it combines the tension of a Thriller, the mystery of an Adventure, and the sadness and joy of a Romantic Comedy. It’s the Great British Bake-Off. Who …

The Urban Gym

Are you on a typically tight student budget? Are you appalled at the price of membership to local gyms? Then look no further, the home made Urban Gym is the answer to all your financially limited fitness regime problems. All you need is some simple, easily available items and you are good to go. I …


Memory Turn your face to the coursework Let your memory lead you Open brain, engage thought If you find there the meaning of what nutrition is Then a new piece of work will begin   Memory, all alone in the library I can smile at facebook Candy Crush is beautiful there I remember the time …

From Halls to Houses

Year on year a mass migration comparative only to the wildebeest trekking through the East African plains occurs. The migration being students leaving halls and moving into rented accommodation. I myself went on this migration this year going from Newark, Jubilee to Lenton, The Big Wide World. In real terms it’s just a small walk but …

Take me to Ikea!

As this was the last weekend my parents were in the UK (they head home today) we had a little family trip to Ikea. Cause what do you do when your parents are around? Any university student knows this.. You let them feed you and buy you stuff! First up was to get some food …

Get my Editor on the phone!

Wednesday afternoon. I rush into the Impact office clutching a pen and paper, throw my trilby at the strategically placed hat stand (it pops on first time), calling out ‘I’ve got a hot story!’ I sit down at a free typewriter/computer and commence tapping away. ‘What hot story?’ someone asks, uninterested. ‘The Books Are My …

Students just wanna have fun!

Now I know humour is subjective…for example apparently this is funny: I think it’s just….wrong. I think the next advert will be  in some kind of mental health setting: “Josh always eats Flora before his therapy sessions – as he needs energy to reach his emotional depths.” However I was alerted to this ‘delightful’ and …

Oliver Steels and The Phantom Keys

There are a hundred and one important things I could talk about in this blog. About the transition from living in halls to living in a house, about my ambitions and plans for this year and about my first committee event and about Returners’ Week in general but there is a mystery afoot and one I …

Greetings & Goose Fair

Hi there! My name is Olivia and I am from Malaysia. You may recognize me if you’ve been reading the university’s fresher blog; “A Fresh Start”. I am in my second year of Pharmacy. Some things I like include cupcakes and traveling. Things I dislike are 9 to 5 lecture days and fire alarms. I …

You know you’re back at Uni when…

… you buy a bag of sweet and salted popcorn and then proceed to eat the whole bag by yourself – even though you know it’ll make you feel sick – simply because it was on offer at Sainsbury’s for £1. … you make some kind of melted ball of broccoli-tinned-tuna-rice-saucy thing but, as you’re …