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Santa isn’t Dead

Twas a plain simple Sunday. And a girl lay awake, looking up out of the window of her tower-bedroom. The window was frosty and outside the world was chilly and damp. It was Christmas day. Well, for anyone else – any other students slumbering sluggishly that simple Sunday morning – it was just another Sunday …

The most obvious time of the year!

Do you often feel dizzy and light-headed? Are you often red in the face? Have your fingers ever turned blue? You need to try….breathing. Breathing is a 100% effective at keeping you alive, it’s free and easy to do, and all jobs require you to be able to breathe. Try breathing today – satisfaction guaranteed! …

Lesson One of House Hunting: Be (very) Patient

This past week my flatmates and I had our first experience at house hunting. However we got lost (in Lenton!) and were about 15 minutes late for our viewing slot. Naturally, the agent wasn’t very pleased with the five of us and proceeded to only show us one house out of our original plan of …

Bloke in a Dress

Christmas season is panto season. Panto is like a mash up of a cheesy children’s TV programme and a sexiless cabaret show. Its primary audience is, obviously, children and parents – appealing to students isn’t really taken into consideration. However, I actually rather enjoyed Jack and the Beanstalk at the Nottingham Playhouse! I went on …

Nottingham – The City of Sport

Last Friday I went to watch Nottingham Forest play Reading (who is the team I support), it was a great game finishing 3-2 to Reading. However, I was sitting right in the middle of a block of Forest fans so my celebrations were fairly muted! This trip to the City Ground got me thinking, Nottingham …

December cognitive dissonance – aka, me not making my mind up

Do you know when that coursework is for? Excellent – the last week of term is aaaages away Calendar check….wait a second?! Everything is due next week! Must remember to breathe.     Inhale.     Exhale.      Inhale.      Exhale But…that means it’s Christmas soon! Eating good food, family time, church, celebration …

Christmas Capers

I have succumbed to Christmas cheer. As the date on my phone, ticked over or rather changed, to the 1st December the countdown to Christmas was on. As soon as I start counting it all starts to feel real. Also with my birthday thrown in between now and Christmas, deadlines and going back home the month of …

The Plastic Bag Phenomenon

The plastic bag – a creature we are all used to seeing floating around the kitchen, stuffed in a cupboard or lined up like pancakes at a sainsbury’s checkout. But these creatures are unstoppably duplicative. No matter how much you tell yourself you’re going to re-use them the next time you go shopping you never …

“Learning” – ish.

Wooo Christmas is soon! Yay so excited! Humbug. I don’t know about you, but for me this is a stressful period in term. Beginning to sense home is near, but there’s just so much to do before then! This week has been quite stressful, and it looks like it will continue to be. But I’m a …

Busy busy busy!

I’ve finally had a little down time after a crazy busy for two weeks. I had a test, my sister came to visit, lunch with my host family, an interview and placements. Thankfully I had the Friday off to collect myself before the cycle repeated itself! At least I only have three weeks left before …