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Castle Rock Brewery

Castle Rock is a pub group and brewery based in Nottingham. The brewery is Nottingham’s largest and a group of friends and I went on a tour around it recently (as well as sampling some of the beer)! Castle Rock was originally founded in 1977 by former Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) chairman Chris Holmes. …

Ups and Downs

A man goes to his Doctor to get the results from some tests. Doctor: I’ve got some good news and some bad news Patient: give me the good news first… Doctor: well you’ll be proud to know we’re naming a new fatal disease after you! That joke is courtesy of my Aunty- who texts me jokes …

The Selfie

In the last few years the selfie has developed from a joke to an actual thing. Not a day goes by where millions of photos aren’t taken by merry teenagers and adults a like, pointing their cameras at themselves. More recently the power of the selfie has done incredible things. The  Ellen DeGeneres Oscar selfie …

5 Reasons I Love My Job

I’m sure you’ve seen them running around on campus the past few Wednesdays and ocasionally Saturdays in fluorescent green t-shirts and smiling faces. I am one of these people and I love my job. I am a student ambassador for the university. What that means is that I get to help out the university’s marketing & …

Me and Oscar Wilde: A Conversation

The setting: A Student’s Living Room. Velvet curtains, a tattered carpet, cigarettes in a gold cigarette box and a handful of fast-food flyers. Oscar Wilde is smoking. Eve comes in through the open window from the terrace. Eve: Oscar, what are you doing? Smoking on such a day as this? It is a beautiful, English …

Post Dissertation Celebrations!

The past fortnight has been the final leg of the dissertation marathon for me and I have finally crossed the finish line. Since completion I have done several exciting things to celebrate, which unsurprisingly included a lot of food and drink. Annie’s Burger Shack is a restaurant famous in Nottingham and one that I have …

The things we turn to…

Knock Knock? Who’s there? Eight Eight who? Don’t you eight it when your bus doesn’t come, you get rained on and everything gets a lot more real. In fact, you love and hate it. The ward adrenaline is immense, the rush intense, medic handwriting doesn’t make sense…. By the way it’s week eight of placement. …

Writer’s Block

To say that I have had writers block these past few weeks would be an understatement. I’m still alive and kicking if any of you were wondering if I had suddenly disappeared. So I do apologize for my lack of posting. I have been up to quite a bit so let me fill you in! …

The Commoners Guide To How to Be An Impact Reviewer

People often ask me, people sometimes ask me… somebody asked me once: so how do you write a theatre review for a student magazine? Step One: Pop along to whichever Nottingham theatre you are reviewing at, maybe bring along a friend for company or maybe just a large bag of chocolate buttons will suffice. March …

A weekend in the ‘sun’

So I went on holiday this weekend. Shanghai? Sri Lanka? Sharm El Sheikh? Actually Sheffield. Oh yeah, be jealous. It was lovely actually. I stayed with my long-lost housemate Marilyn who is also on placement and we painted the town red. If by that you mean we chatted loads and went round the high street …