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Failed Attempts at Being Healthy

Now it’s February, I’m sure most New Year’s resolutions have gone out of the window. If yours are still going strong then congrats – you’re better than most! I made one New Year’s resolution that’s pretty much a whole life resolution: be healthy. How many of you said the same thing? Everyone?! Not very original, …

Let Freedom Sing!

FREEDOM! So this is what freedom feels like… maybe George Washington had a point all them years ago. Exams are over, the days are now brighte – habitable and Saturday evening Match of the Day can be enjoyed without a text book in one hand (sidenote: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich makes …

I will never be a bartender

Sheldon: I’ll have a Virgin Cuba Libre. Penny: That’s, um, Rum and Coke without the rum. So Coke. There’s a can in the fridge. Sheldon: A Cuba Libre traditionally comes in a tall glass with a lime wedge. Penny: (sarcastically) Then swim to Cuba. Sheldon: Bartenders are supposed to have people skills. (Big Bang Theory) Last week was …

It’s been a while…

Hello! Happy Christmas! Happy New Year! That should just about cover all of the greetings, belated as they may be. It has indeed been a while, and I apologise for that, but as you may imagine it has been a busy old time of year. Christmas came and went as quickly as it always does, …

When the ordinary feels extraordinary

I disapprove of the fact I didn’t finish exams until Friday afternoon, but was back in lectures by Monday (I’m sure many of you feel the same!). I therefore wanted to pack in as many ‘normal person not revising’ things as possible in the intervening weekend through having a trip home. Here’s a selection of …

Food-ventures in Nottingham

Winter exams are over, now what? Second semester of course! However before I get to that.. Here’s what I’ve been up to since I was liberated from exams on Thursday. spoiler alert: it involves a lot of food, but you saw this coming didn’t you? First up was a good baking session. I made not …

Living Out

Before starting university, I made the decision not to live in student accommodation – I moved out with my boyfriend instead. Admittedly, it’s a bit of an unconventional route, and people tend to add about 10 years onto my age when I tell them! Then, they say things like ‘your flat mates are your friends …

How to procrastinate

Being in my second year of university, I like to think of the art of procrastination as a key skill of mine. My Mastermind specialist subject if you will. The secret, of course, is making it guilt-free. Some search for years to find this sense of enlightenment, but unfortunately not everyone makes it past the …

5 Ways to Stay Sane during Revision

Before I continue with this post I just want to clarify that this is not a post on how to revise effectively, this is just advice on how not to lose your mind while in revision mode. Who knows how many times I was on the verge of giving up on revision and saying things …

Revision meltdown countdown

T-minus one week. Notes in order in their respective folders? Check. Obligatory highlighters and note paper bought? Check. Status: reasonably smug. T-minus three days. This massive wadge of material can be revised in three days, right? It’s been done before. Temporarily ignoring the fact it’s final year now and things are different and a lot …