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Yesterday I graduated from the University of Nottingham, so my undergraduate journey has officially ended! It feels really strange to say that. Fortunately, I’m sticking around in Nottingham until September to earn a bit of money, so I have a while until I’ll start getting all emotional about leaving! Here’s how my graduation day unfolded. …

Surviving the long distance relationship

After the longest year of my life, I can finally say I have been in a long distance relationship and come out the other side relatively unscathed. One year of having a computer screen and an ocean between us hasn’t been easy, but reaching the Grand Finale at the end of this academic year has …

4 Reasons Being On 4-Year Course is Great (and not so great)

  PROs 1. Putting off “Real World” Responsibilities (for the time-being) You get to put off post university responsibilities for at least another year. Think about it, while your university friends who are graduating this year are stressing about things like finding a job or moving back home you are still warm in your little university bubble! …

Charity Mugging

I have finally succumbed to evil. From a young age I had always dreamed of crushing other people’s dreams and bringing the world under my steel-capped boots. But I never thought I’d go this far. I am now the lowliest of all peoples: a door-to-door charity fundraiser. I have learnt a bit from it though: …

Post-exam adventures

Almost 2 weeks ago I stepped out of my last ever exam at the University, which was a really weird (but relieving) feeling! Since then, I’ve actually been very busy doing things which aren’t revision. This has included: Post-exam celebratory lunch and a pint: After my final exam I wanted to celebrate and went for …

Things I Learnt in Second Year of Uni

Results day is fast approaching and second year of uni is well and truly over for me. I’m a little bit terrified of becoming a final year student and therefore having to face the thought of graduation, so for now let’s take a look back instead of forward and take a look at what (non-academic) …

The Summer Job

Hello dear readers, I am blogging from Kettering! Haven’t heard of it? Well I forgive you because neither did most of my friends.. To give you an idea; it is in the borough of Northamptonshire and is between Nottingham and London, about an hour to both cities. The reason I am here is because I am on …

4 reasons I’m for summer internships

While other students are off travelling this summer, I’ll be staying in Nottingham, saving my trips for weekends and the end of summer and opting to work instead. Last year, I worked as a Social Media Manager and really enjoyed it, so this year I’m testing the water with PR. I’m excited to start my internship …

Fleeing the country

So I’ve followed study tip no.1: Get up from your desk. Stretch. Go for a walk. Take a bus to the airport. Get on a plane. Never return. This year, for the first time since primary school, I had no summer exams (be jel) and 11,000 words of coursework later, I decided to flee the …

4 top backpacking destinations to beat the exam blues!

This you right now? Sick of it? Want to get away? Here’s where you could be once it’s over…   1. Budapest Budapest is defined by its river. The Danube cuts it in half, one side is old, one side is newer, and both sides are pretty. Pest, the newer side, is known for its …