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Final Year: Expectations vs Reality

As it is the last week of term, I thought I would do a wrap up on how this semester has gone by looking back on a few of my expectations. These are some of the expectations I had, either from first year or from the summer before I began my final year at university. University …

3 Ways to Reduce Deadline Stress

It’s that time of year again. The evenings are darker, the days are colder, and your sleep cycle is so out of tune that you might as well be in another timezone. Not exactly ideal combined with the crushing weight of winter coursework deadlines. So if you’re feeling the pressure, try out some of the …

The George Green survival guide

It’s coming to the end of term and that can only mean one thing: coursework deadline day! As there is a completely new George Green library, this blog will give you tips on how to survive with you and your coursework in George Green 2.0.   George Green Café The long awaited arrival of a …

Does your society have what it takes to survive the Hunger Games?

Since seeing Mockingjay Part 2 this weekend, and after mentioning in my last blog about how the fencing society might get me out of a few scrapes in the zombie apocalypse, I started thinking about which societies would do well in the Hunger Games arena. Would the quick-thinking skills of the Improv society get them out …

4 Reasons Why Birthdays At Uni Don’t Suck

Today, as all my most loyal fans will know, is my 20th Birthday, and my second away from home. I think the reason birthdays feel weird away from home is that, for me at least, they are a distinctly family occasion. However as life goes on and you become more independent, the role of family …

Life after the attacks: Paris will always be my Paris

You’ll have probably read and watched a lot about Paris on social media and the news in the last couple of weeks. You’ll have read about the deadly attacks, anti-terrorist raids and European cities experiencing ‘lock downs’ in the wake of November 13th. So saying nothing new here, Paris didn’t feel like itself for the …

Are we losing our queer spaces?

Starting university in many ways marks the crossing of a threshold: the independence and change of scenery encourages individuals to come out of their shell – and many also choose this time to come out of the closet. For many students, university offers the first opportunity to explore the LGBT+ scene: not only the clubs, …

Abstract Thoughts of a Third Year

The ‘any plans after uni’ question makes me realise I still don’t know what I’m doing with my life.   Telling someone I’m in third year isn’t as sexy as it sounds. “I’m a Fresher” suggests freedom, copious nights out on the town, and a general endeavour for fun. Second years allude mysteriousness: living in …

♠️ “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious” ♠️

I have a vague recollection of my first encounter with magic. I was about eight or nine years old at the time and my dad and I were indulging in our regular pastime of the week – wandering around the local market. I honestly didn’t pay much attention to the stalls, but this day was …

My Favourite Coffee Shops in Nottingham ☕️

Like most university students I have a wonderful relationship..with coffee. Coffee may just be my one true love that comes in many forms, but my top three has got to be the flat white, espresso macchiato or a latte (usually my go-to when a flat white isn’t available). Lately I have been cafe-hopping quite a lot in …