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3 Exciting Events In Nottingham This August

Got a placement or a student job and are sticking around Nottingham for the summer? Need some things to do to fill your time around the beautiful city? One of the great things about Nottingham is that it is always filled with events – you’re never short of things to do. I’ve compiled a quick list …

Student life… as Alumni

“The Alumni Network is the best way to keep in touch with your friends from university”, said Vice Chancellor Sir David Greenaway at my graduation last week. Us graduates in the audience smirked… because let’s be honest, we all know Facebook is the best way to keep in touch, and none of us had even …

What graduation is actually like

08:00– final drive down to Nottingham. Let’s not get too emotional Gemma, it’s only the A52. 10:00 – god it’s getting hot already. Might open a window. But that would mess up my hair. Am going to kill anyone that tries to open a window. 10:01 – I’m going to kill my brother. 11:35 – …

3 Books To Read This Summer

Everybody knows that the primary purpose of summer is to catch up on your reading. (Before my exams finished, I caught myself saying “I can’t wait until the holidays so I have time to read again.” Please note, I am studying English.) But sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start. As such, …

5 Reasons Why Nottingham Buses Are The Best

After living in Nottingham for two years now I have become familiar with the NCT bus system. One of the main things that enticed me about the city was its reputation for great public transport and I am here to tell you why it has lived up to that reputation. 1.Electronic Bus Times The times …

How to read more?

When I was a kid, I almost always had my head a book. Whether it was at the dinner table, walking down the street, in the shower, if it was possible to read a book, I would be reading one. My parents actually had to tell me off for reading too much sometimes. But since …

Spending the summer in Notts? Be a tourist!

It’s rather an English tradition that, come summer, students flock back to the nest for a few months instead of sticking around their university town. A Dutch friend of mine found this bizarre and confusing – why would you want to go back to your parents’ place? (Aside from cheaper living costs, of course…) For …

“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles”

So its 3:23am, perfect time for a blog post right? So I’m sat here in bed, armed with my phone and my tiny keyboard – 가자! Through a combination of talking about my travel experiences with a friend, and reading another blog* which had been recommended to me, I was inspired to finally write this …

8 Ways To Beat Summer Holiday Boredom

Marathon a whole TV show. My recommendations at the moment are: Community, Gilmore Girls, and Parks and Recreation . You can also check out Emma’s blog post about good TV shows to watch this summer here. Get ahead on your reading for next semester: *imagine me nodding intelligently at a book of early modern poetry* …

3 Creative Hobbies You Can Pick Up This Summer

Summer is now well and truly upon us like winter on Game of Thrones. It can be tempting to use this time to lie in bed all day and just relax, and whilst relaxing is certainly important after university, the long summer can be the perfect opportunity to gain some new skills. That may come …