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5 Things the University Has Made Me Do

1. Pick Comfort Over Style If you’ve even done as much as drive past the University Park Campus, you will know that the place is BIG. Fair play to you if you are willing to sacrifice blisterless feet in the name of fashion, but I on the other hand found myself calling my trainers my …

A day in the life of a postgraduate research student.

Now then, I’ve chatted before about improving time efficiency, waking up earlier, considerations when choosing a post-grad degree, and things to do in Nottingham, so I figure it’s about time I provide a little insight for those of you who might be considering post-grad research (MRes/MPhil/PhD, etc) to take a glimpse into my day-to-day. Of …

How to Prepare for Graduation

My graduation is just around the corner and i’ll be honest with you all – I’m freaking out. I have never liked being the centre of attention and my whole family is going to watch me walk across the stage and that freaks me out. I remember looking at the photograph of my Dad on …

Choosing a Summer Job

Most students will find themselves looking for work over the summer vacation period, if they don’t already have a job. The benefits of working during this free time are obvious – money, experience, something to take away the boredom. After all, there’s only so many days of Netflix anybody can realistically handle. But how do …

O’ Canada!

On the 15th June I set foot off the airplane and into Calgary, Canada. I’ve never been to this side of the world before and I had some strange expectations when I could only see fields and no cityscape in view from my plane window during landing. However, as we got closer and closer to …

Things you learn during Freshers’ week

The Midlands Doesn’t Exist According to anyone who doesn’t hail from the midlands, it simply doesn’t exist. Despite being a legitimate geographical region, you will be made to pick a side. For anyone who lives south of London, you shall be a Northerner. However, anyone north of Sheffield views you as a Southerner. How you …

Cheap and easy vegan protein sources

‘But where do you get your protein from?’ ‘You must be so iron deficient!’ ‘Doesn’t it cost you a fortune?’ ‘I couldn’t live without meat; I need it’. Blah, blah, blaaah. I’m not here to lecture to you about the pro’s and cons of meat and plant-based diets, and I certainly won’t unleash an ethical …

Dear incoming first years, here’s what to expect

University is supposed to be the ‘time of your life’. It’s what everyone always says. And it’s probably what you wholeheartedly believe as you spend your last summer preparing to be a freshman this fall. I bet you’ve already heard of all the people you’ll meet and places you’ll go. The things you’ll see and …

How to Have the Perfect Summer

I have had my fair share of long summers. From the ages of 4 to 16 I had the glorious six week summers. Then throughout college and university I experienced the three month limbo of time off from when my exams finished to when the academic year began once again. I have been so used …

Being a ‘graduand’

So I only figured out what the word ‘graduand’ meant a couple of weeks ago. It refers to that weird limbo period in final year where you finish your exams but you have not yet graduated and its the position that most of us final years are in. After 3 years of grueling exams (okay …