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Procrastinating, monopoly, piles of books and early starts…

Revision periods are a bit like being a candle burning on both ends.  You tell yourself you gotta work late and fend off sleep as much as you can…then get up unhumanly early to work some more (well I try to anyway). The return to Nottingham was therefore a little sad but optimistic. Home was great, I …

Return to England: Jingle Bell Jetlag

I’ve been back in the UK for exactly two weeks now and it’s been crammed full with christmas, new year and new routines. I hope you all had a very merry christmas and a happy new year; for the first time in 4 years I’ve had a christmas break where I haven’t had to revise …

It’s the start of the term!

Hello! It’s 2012 and today is the start of term! Well, not for everyone though. So I have to do a project presentation this Friday along with my other colleagues in Microbiology homebase (category). I’m actually not quite prepared yet. Additionally, I haven’t finished writing up my dissertation (a long essay about my research). It’s …

It’s the holidays!

Hi everyone! I hope all of you are enjoying your holidays. I certainly am. I’m currently waiting for my friends to pick me up and we’ll be heading to Loch Lomond in Scotland for 4 days. Right now, I’m just going to talk about the things that I’ve done for the past few days. It …

A little bit of Arabic and Thai in my week

Hello again, I’m sure all of you are now back at home, taking a nice break from whatever you’ve been doing since the past several months. Me unfortunately, is still working in the lab. I know, what a bummer~ Well anyway, last Thursday was the last day of the Arabic class which I’ve been taking …

A 21st Birthday in Brisbane

Today I’m celebrating my twenty-first birthday in Sunny Brisbane. It’s great to be celebrating a December birthday in sunshine and with plans to head to the beach over the weekend; I’ll be ending my time in Aussie in style! I begin my long journey home on Monday morning, and will arrive at Heathrow on Wednesday …

Coco Tang, Library Fines and Chinese Food

“Kay when are you going home for Christmas?” “Oh, er, the 23rd?” “What?! The 23rd? You loser” “I know” 🙁 If you are also one of those really cool people staying really late at university just to study then my sympathies are with you! Don’t get me wrong I’m stupidly excited to go home for …

i’ve been working in a creepy place this semester

Hello people! Technically, there’s only 1 week left before the start of the holidays for most university students. But since I’m a Medic, my holidays are only going to begin in the next 2 weeks. Yeap, 23rd of December 2011 will be the official last day for all 3rd Year Medics. Well, I do have …

Tain’t whatcha do it’s the way that you do it… and that’s what gets results!

Hi to y’all! (or should that be, hi to ‘yule’? I know, I’m so witty…) So, just one week left at uni before the holidays! This week just gone has been a lot of fun, there’s been a lot of events happening in the run up to Christmas. For me it’s been a week filled …

Tis the Season to be Summer

While temperatures in England seem to have finally plummeted to the expected Winter climate, summer has well and truly arrived in Australia and with the Summer Holidays in full swing, what better time than to celebrate…Christmas!! It is an incredibly surreal feeling, walking around in 32 degree heat, soaking up the UV rays and bumping …