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Lost in Translation: An American Education

My name is Mark Richardson. I am somewhat of a second year pioneer, being the first student from Nottingham University studying BA (Hons) Humanities to study abroad. I have just begun a semester at the University of Virginia in the United States of America and over the next few months I hope to share my …

Of growing up and watching fireworks

Do you love fireworks? My childhood was filled with memories of me staring into the dark skies with all those brilliant lights flying up and high. It simply is exciting to watch fireworks. After all, who doesn’t love viewing a colourful splendour? Just look at this photo, taken from the Chinese New Year Celebrations at …

Old Lives and New Beginnings

This week started off quite tough; my family’s lovely greyhound (see previous post for picture) had to be put down last Friday – he was twelve years old, and had lived a happy, comfortable life with us for 9 years, but unfortunately he had been experiencing a lot of arthritic pain and several nightly bad …

Enter the Dragon

Happy Chinese New Year y’all. =^_^= Little bit late with this post I apologise. I had an exam today. Literally…awful… I had to catch up on some sleep before I try and bang out an essay tonight. So your facebook has probably been clogged with status after status from all of your Asian friends about …

Where should I go to during my February holidays?

Hi everyone! If you haven’t realised yet, I’ve submitted my dissertation last Thursday. Yeap, no more torments from the world of Microbiology. It was a great day for the 3rd Year Medics as we all celebrated our freedom from the Honours Year Project. Well, we’re not fully freed yet since we still have our viva …


Hello everyone! I’m so sorry about my absence of late… the last few weeks before the Autumn term ended were very busy, and since then I’ve been busy with coursework and exam revision. I handed in two pieces of coursework on Wednesday; they both were very difficult and took a lot of effort but I’m reasonably …

A World Without Free Knowledge….?

This week seems to have been dominated by the controversial debate on and off the internet concerning the SOPA and PIPA acts; Wikepedia managed a 24hour blackout during University exam period, how some students coped I will never know – officially as a student, Wikepedia is blacklisted, and if you wans good grades, you know …

Spotify, 9GAG, Orange Blossom Tea and Hanging with Friends.

What do you tend to listen to when you’re revising?… I tend to discover more new artists and songs on days like these because I like having a really solid playlist to keep me going. Recent examples: Anything from a Kitsune Maison album (A French fashion label that also compile various albums of cool underground …

Microbiology was exhaustive and it still is

Hello everyone! I was so preoccupied with my dissertation that I didn’t have time to make a new post in this blog. Just so you know, my dissertation is near to completion. It’s not done yet but I’m getting there. The deadline is after all this Thursday. Can’t wait for it to be over! I …

“Always keep your Childish Innocence..It’s the Most Important Thing”

Life, perhaps inevitably after Australia and the excitement the Christmas Period always brings, has slowed the grey and stressful pace that January so often brings to students… Perhaps I am experiencing what they call Reverse Culture Shock where on return to the home country one pines after the routine and specific features of the culture …