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8tracks.com, Free Burger and Chips and Family

Hi folks, How’s it going? 🙂 I hope you’re alright and had a good week so far. I’ve found this really awesome music streaming website. If, like me, you used to use Spotify relentlessly until they changed the system to only an allowance of playtime before being charged for the service, I’m sure you probably …

Surgery is fascinating

Hello readers, As you all know, I’m currently in my Clinical Phase. There are 48 of us doing our attachment at King’s Mill Hospital and we are divided into two whereby half will be doing Medicine for the first 7 weeks while the other half (my group) will be studying Surgery. The first week served …

Here Comes the Sun

The plan for the week was to recover from Spring Break but my American University workload has decided otherwise. Straight off the back of our drive back up the east coast through the night I really did have to hit the ground running. I have also become aware of how fast time is flying and …

Clarity and Musings

Hey gang, So I did it; Two 2,500 words submitted on Monday Maths Re-test taken on Tuesday Dad’s birthday present bought and sent for Wednesday And before I even knew it – Thursday has rolled round again and it’s time for my weekly blog. Today feels surreal – it’s the first moment I’ve had in …

Starbucks Samples, Banana French Toast and KONY

You know when you’re a kid and you try and avoid thinking about the start of term at the end of summer?…’cause you really don’t want to go back to school. I’m trying really hard to avoid thinking the opposite- the END of term. As the year gets on you get a feel for this …

Spring Break!

In true caveman style I have taken myself away from the Internet for a week or so whilst on Spring Break which I must admit we should all do from time to time. But I am back now and hope to give you a double dose of American university life in this post. It seems …

There’s been a death in the opposite house

The grave news of someone’s death affects us in varying ways. In 2011, approximately 154 138 people die each day worldwide.  If a family member or a close friend were included in the figure, surely we would be emotionally affected whereas if the person who had passed away is just a person whom we never met, then …

Adrenaline Rushes…

Hey gang – Can’t believe it’s been a week already! So much has happened in the last week, and so much is still to happen in the next few days – I’m living for Wednesday next week when life slows just a little (although still frantic) and I finally have a few moments to collect …

Clinical phase is tiring

Hello readers, I’m sorry that I didn’t write anything on Sunday. I’m currently in the Induction Course which runs for a period of 2 weeks and it’s going to end on Friday this week. I’m at King’s Mill Hospital in Mansfield and it’s not that bad. Firstly, I just want to say that it’s exhausting!!! Really …

Bowling, RED IP and What are Universities For?

Graduation tickets have come out, both for the ceremony and for the ball. I’m still debating whether or not I want to push the boat out and get the dinner ticket for £68. All the entertainment tickets are gone. (BOOOOOOO) I’m still excited for Societies Ball in May though. That’s a ball of some sort …