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It’s just emotions taking me over…

This week seems to be going really slowly. Maybe it’s because I went home mid-week, so I haven’t really experienced the hustle and bustle of Uni life. (I went home because there’s only one hairdresser I trust with my hair…). Nevertheless, here are some of the emotions I have experienced this week: Awe The CU …

Exciting things

Since I’m supposed to be writing about student life I thought I would summarise the week in terms of “exciting things” in the life of a student. Most exciting thing I saw this week: A pheasant. I’m not joking. Walking down my road to get to lectures, a pheasant casually strides across (Why did the …

Hey, it’s OK

Waiting for the treasury to open this morning I bought my first magazine of 2013 and found this while flicking though; I’m pretty sure it was written for me.  A combination of rum, a bad knee and heels saw me flashing my underwear on Saturday night.  No-one noticed… at least that’s what I keep telling myself. * …

Motivation such an aggravation!

Deryck Whibley and his Sum 41 chums summed it up perfectly: Motivation, such an aggravation. We live in a hectic, chaotic world where we are bombarded with information and looked upon to live up to certain expectations. University in particular is rapid, technology-driven and competitive. To flourish in this world we need lots of motivation. We …

YOU! Could save somebody!

A few days ago I was asked to summarise my blogging content for a short piece in the staff magazine. I was a bit stumped at first – what have my blogs been about… I tend to just sit down and summarise my week. Well this realisation prompted me to do something a little different. …

21 Years OLD

Instead of going out last night I stayed in with my house mate and we put on some face masks and (kind of) watched a Sandra Bullock film. I went out for cocktails with my friend in Sheffield earlier in the week and all we were looking forward to was going home to sleep. The …

Sport vs. Food

After a really fun lacrosse tournament on Sunday (no comment about the score), my whole body ached for most of the week. The week’s remedies for my sport “injury”: Watching other people play sport On Monday we watched the Varsity basketball match at the Capital FM Arena. It’s such an amazing experience! I don’t exactly …

Fight the System

In my A level food tech I often had to write about the “money rich, time poor” group and their food choices. Then in my degree we are often talking about those who are “money poor” and how this might affect them. However, I think a lot of students – as fortunate as we are …

Hills, happiness and hair dye

After a weekend of exploring Brecon in the dark with nothing but the shape of the person a metre in front to guide myself, some minor geographical misplacements and the formation of some very amusing memories, I crashed out during a break this afternoon – lecture seats are actually rather comfortable! The weekend was amazing, …

Did you watch …?

Television: is it welcome downtime or a procrastination pest? One of student’s favourite past times is the amount of TV we consume, when we should be doing anything except vegetating in front of our digital boxes. But its cold, snow is forecast again this week (I know, I thought we were in the clear too), …