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Pharmacy Student, Nottingham/Malaysia

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Posts by Olivia


I missed a post last week, sorry about that! I have just been swamped this new semester. Not because of the amount of work I had but the amount of change that has happened. It is so strange going from having a fixed timetable that is jam-packed with lectures to 5 half-days a week without …

Food-ventures in Nottingham

Winter exams are over, now what? Second semester of course! However before I get to that.. Here’s what I’ve been up to since I was liberated from exams on Thursday. spoiler alert: it involves a lot of food, but you saw this coming didn’t you? First up was a good baking session. I made not …

5 Ways to Stay Sane during Revision

Before I continue with this post I just want to clarify that this is not a post on how to revise effectively, this is just advice on how not to lose your mind while in revision mode. Who knows how many times I was on the verge of giving up on revision and saying things …

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It’s Always Sunny in… Nottingham?!

I know you are all probably as exhausted as I am, barely surviving on caffeine but if you’re looking for a little break from revision or a good excuse (in my opinion at least) to procrastinate have a little read of this post. Not too many words but lots of pictures, I promise! I love food and …

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A White Christmas (kinda)

It’s been two weeks since Christmas holidays have started but I have only spent 3 days in Nottingham. What have I been up to you might ask? Well for starters the Sunday after term ended I headed down to London just as an escape from Nottingham. As much as I love this little city I …

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Sutton Bonnington Farmers Market (Christmas Edition)

Hello all you lovely folk! Today marks the final week of the autumn term and as much as I love university and being swamped with coursework, I think I deserve a nice Christmas break. Anyway, enough yapping, I shall crack on with this week’s post! I am ashamed to say this but I have been at …

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Sunday Roast + Even More Christmas Cheer

Sorry guys this is going to be another food-heavy post. Maybe I should write for a food blog instead? I have had many Sunday Roasts while in university halls. However they sometimes left a little to be desired as portions were small. However on Sunday a couple of my friends and I decided to try out Toby …

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Is it Christmas Yet?

Deadline & exam week has gone past and I have thankfully made it. With a busy and stressful module up ahead I decided that this weekend was going to be a fun one. I was so determined, I started on Friday after my calculations exam. If only I got this excited about coursework.. A group of us …

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That Time of Year Again

It is that time of year again where things that happen at this time of year… happen. Some of them are good and some of them are bad and you can decide which is which. Before I continue, I apologise for being away for so long. I have a good excuse this time (I promise!). You may have realised …

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It’s Good to Be Back

  Goodbye rainforest paradise, hello Nottingham! (not that Nottingham isn’t nice) I am back after a lovely 6-week summer in Malaysia. Scorching weather without book in sight, non-stop flow of conversation and good company pretty much sums up my trip home. The heat was what prompted my family to go up into the highlands where it was …

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