July Haze’s Fever

Andy Chan recently appeared on BFN Radio to talk about (taken from the BFM web site): An annual problem faced mostly by citizens of peninsula Malaysia, although those in Sabah and Sarawak are not immune. The haze. Large-scale biomass burning may be a cost-saving for some industries but a health-hazard to human beings and animals. …

3 Minute Thesis Competition

This post was contributed by Tissa Chandesa Fancy hearing an 80,000 word thesis explained in less than 180 seconds? Research students from across the globe are doing just that in preparation for the Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®). Established by the University of Queensland (UQ) in 2008, 3MT is now held in universities around the …

Leading Enterprises join UNMC Careers Fair 2014

This post was contributed by Alicia Ch’ng The annual University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) Careers fair was held on 19th March 2014. It was organized by the Careers Advisory Service at University of Nottingham and saw participation from 27 of the leading business enterprises in Malaysia this year. These local and international corporations from …

ERC Advanced Grants: Call for proposals is open

EURAXESS LINKS ASEAN : https://europa.eu/sinapse/directaccess/euraxess_asean ERC Advanced Grants – Call Open until 21 October 2014 Call  Details [http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/calls/erc-2014-adg.html] ERC Advanced Grants allow exceptional established research leaders of any nationality and any age to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk projects that open new directions in their respective research fields or other domains. The ERC Advanced Grant funding targets …

Pantai 2 Sewage Treatment Plant Site Visit

This post was contributed by Derek Wong Wai Hoe Pantai 2 Sewage Treatment Plant Site Visit A green transformation project The Pantai 2 Sewage Treatment Plant (P2STP) site visit was conducted on 14 March 2014 as a follow-up event to an industrial seminar (Pantai 2 Sewage Treatment Plant – Green Transformation) organized earlier by the …

Nottingham-RHB Resume Competition focuses on Effective Resume

This post was contributed by Alicia Ch’ng The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus and RHB Bank Berhad recently organised its inaugural Resume Competition to raise student’s awareness about the importance of writing an effective resume. “The competition was well received by both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Resume is important because it introduces a candidate to …

TheConversation: It attracts a lot of readers

Over the past few months, we have featured some (all, I hope) of the articles that colleagues at UNMC have written for TheConversation. We have also promoted the idea that you should consider writing for TheConverstion, as it does tend to attract a lot of readers. We are pleased to see that a few of …

UNMC Professor Receives Outstanding Reviewer Award from Elsevier

Professor Sivakumar Manickam, Faculty of Engineering has received Outstanding Reviewer Award from Elsevier’s Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, a high impact journal (IF: 3.5). This is an honour granted to a reviewer who provides exceptionally high quality feedback and performed exceptional service by reviewing a large number of papers. He is close to completing the 100th paper as …

Search Methodologies: Introductory Tutorials in Optimization and Decision Support Techniques

In 2005, Graham Kendall editied the first edition of Search Methodologies: Introductory Tutorials in Optimization and Decision Support Techniques. This book, with chapters written by some of the leading experts in search methodologies is aimed at first year PhD students who are carrying out research in the general area of search. The second edition of …

PhD student, Weiling Chow wins first Place in World Water Day 2014 competition

A first year PhD student from the University of Nottingham, Wei Ling Chow has presented her poster to a very high standard of clarity at World Water Day 2014. The competition with the theme “Water & Energy” was organised by Forum Air Malaysia with the aim of addressing critical issues related to the water and …