Public dissemination of science
March 26, 2014
Although nothing to do with the University of Nottingham, I was interested in this set of videos as (to me anyway) it shows how a complex subject can be presented in such a way that is understandable by anybody and when you hear something like “We expect growth at 7% each year”, what does this …
U21 KWBN Global Citizenship Workshop Breaks New Ground With Live Streaming of UNMC Events from Semenyih and KLTC venues
March 21, 2014
This post was contributed by Sean Matthews and Yeong Woon Chin There was a significant technological ‘first’ for UNMC during the recent U21 KWBN Global Citizenship Workshop, 13-14 March. We used the event to explore our live streaming capabilities, and achieved a successful and well-received feed for the session (the link has been taken down …
UNMC Publications 2014 – thus far
March 20, 2014
In our irregular review of UNMC’s publication record, below are the Web of Science and Scopus publications that we have recorded for 2014. Thank you to all those that have helped us make such a good start to 2014. Hopefully there are a lot more in the pipeline. As part of trying to streamline the …
The Rockefeller Foundation Food Waste and Spoilage initiative
March 19, 2014
This post was contributed by Asgar Ali The Rockefeller Foundation Food Waste and Spoilage initiative facilitated by the Global Knowledge Initiative in Kuala Lumpur: – successes achieved by Malaysia in reducing food loss, such that these lessons learned might be applied to the African context where post-harvest loss remains a significant and complex challenge Approximately …
How to get ants to solve a chess problem
February 3, 2014
We have just had a piece published in TheConversation (other posts featuring TheConversation can be seen here). The article looks at a mathematical problem that asks whether a knight can visit every square on a chess board, exactly once, using legal knoight moves. The piece starts “Take a set of chess pieces and throw them …
Can a Chess Computer Play Poker and Deliver Groceries?
January 9, 2014
We have just had a piece published in TheConversation (other posts featuring TheConversation can be seen here) that discusses more general algorithms. Using Chess and Poker to draw people in is a good way to generate interest, but the real story is about hyper-heuristics, an area that the ASAP research group has pioneered in recent …
A good start to 2014 for UNMC publications
January 7, 2014
As we have been collecting the MyRA data, many people have been keen to tell us that they already have paper in 2014. I thought it would be interesting to look at how many papers we have, just a couple of weeks into the new year. Below I list the Scopus and the ISI papers. …
The Conversation: The University of Nottingham is a founding member
December 31, 2013
“The Conversation is a new journalism project featuring content from the sharpest academic minds.“, so says the blurb on the the front page of TheConversation (other posts featuring TheConversation can be seen here). The University of Nottingham is a founding member of this initiative, along with many other UK Universities. Academics from the University of …
Can Santa deliver all those presents in 24 hours? TheConversation discusses the science
December 24, 2013
In a few hours Santa will begin his annual tour of the world, dropping down chimney’s and delivering presents to all the children who have behaved themselves this year. It is amazing that he can deliver all these presents in a single night, even if we account for the fact that time differences gives him …
UNMC Publication Status: Nov 2013
November 14, 2013
Every so often we publish the current status of our publications. This is useful to see how we are doing against previous years, but it might also be useful to people from outside the University to see what areas where we are currently publishing. I have extracted the publications listed on Web of Knowledge and …