Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

UK-Southeast Asia Partners in Science – Funding Opportunities

We have just received this call, which seems to be something that is very relevant us us. We have recently opened a call for Collaborative Development Awards. The awards of up to £2,000 are intended to support visits or short secondments by Southeast Asia researchers and policymakers to the UK, or vice versa, in order …

CFFRC Doctoral Training Centre: Update

We are pleased to announce the establishment of the CFFRC Doctoral Training Centre (CFFRC DTC), which is a partnership between the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) and Crops for the Future Research Centre (CFFRC).  The DTC will bring together all the students funded under CFFRCPLUS Scholarship Scheme (, which is a major initiative announced …

New Straits Times Post-Graduate Coverage

I was traveling to Singapore on Monday (15th July 2013) and picked up a copy of the New Straits Times. Leafing through the the Post Graduate Section I was delighted (and surprised to be honest) to see UNMC heavily featured. On page 2 of the insert there is a feature entitled Neuroscience and the Plastic …

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Higher Education Academy Funding Call

We have just received this funding call. As usual, before putting in a lot of effort, please check that you are able to apply given that we are based on an international campus.   Dear All, Current funding calls from the Higher Education Academy… Teaching Development Grants (Departmental projects) Open to bids of up to …

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WordPress/Blogging Training

Following our post asking if anybody was interested in WordPress/Blogging traing, last Thursday (11th July 2013) we run a one day WordPress/Blogging course. The aim of the course (at least from my point of view) was to provide more people will access to the University’s blogging platform so that more people are able to blog. …

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Post-genomics and Bio-informatics workshop

This post was submitted by Dr Chin Chiew Foan What type of technology can bring biologists working on rubber trees, tomato, oil palm, bacteria, human, rice, elephant, vanilla orchids, virus, tobacco and Arabidopsis together? The answer is Bio-informatics. Last week on 4 and 5 July, there was a workshop on Post-genomics and Bio-informatics in UNMC …

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Merdeka Award Trust: Call for Entry

We have just received this, and thanks to Deepa for passing on this information. The Merdeka Award Trust has recently announced the Call-To-Entry for the Merdeka Award Grant for International Attachment 2013-2014. The Grant provides an exceptional opportunity for discerning Malaysians at a post graduate level to be attached to a renowned institution or organisation …

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Postgraduate Colloquium for Environmental Research 2013 (POCER 2013)

This post was submitted by Dr Denny Ng The last weekend saw the second installment of our very own Postgraduate Colloquium for Environmental Research (POCER), as it is affectionately known, held successfully at Awana Hotels & Resorts, Genting Highlands, Malaysia from 28th to 29th June. This colloquium was jointly organised by the Centre of Excellence …

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Nottingham Global Network 2013, Binus University, Indonesia

Last year, we held the first Nottingham Global Network (NGN). For the second NGN, we moved from Malaysia to Indonesia, hosted by Binus University, Indonesia (1-2 July 2013). We’d like to thank our friends at Binus for hosting, and arranging, such a well run and informative event. The aim of this network is to bring …

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Psyfile (Is Psychology a Science?)

In this series, we are presenting videos from the PsyFile Videos (Web Site) project. This project is a colllection of videos of videos that focus on Psychology. This video asks the question, Is Psychology a Science? Previous blog entries on this topic can be seen seen here (this is a link to entries tagged with …

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