Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

Psyfile (Does Brain Training really work?)

In this series, we are presenting videos from the PsyFile Videos (Web Site) project. This project is a collection of videos of videos that focus on Psychology. This video asks the question, Does Brain Training really work? Previous blog entries on this topic can be seen seen here (this is a link to entries tagged …

Can a Chess Computer Play Poker and Deliver Groceries?

We have just had a piece published in TheConversation (other posts featuring TheConversation can be seen here) that discusses more general algorithms. Using Chess and Poker to draw people in is a good way to generate interest, but the real story is about hyper-heuristics, an area that the ASAP research group has pioneered in recent …

Elephants are making the headlines, for all the wrong reasons

I am in the UK at the moment and, picking up The Independent, I noticed that they had a piece about elephants. It turns out that they have a campaign against the loss of elephants in the world. This is a quote from their campaign: “Elephant Crisis In 2011, more African elephants were killed than …

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A good start to 2014 for UNMC publications

As we have been collecting the MyRA data, many people have been keen to tell us that they already have paper in 2014. I thought it would be interesting to look at how many papers we have, just a couple of weeks into the new year. Below I list the Scopus and the ISI papers. …

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UNMC, UM and ANGKASA jointly organising National Space Science Forum

This post was contributed by Chin Jit Kai On 18 -19 December 2013, the Materials, Mechanics and Structures (MMS) Division UNMC organised successfully organised National Space Science Forum (Forum Sains Angkasa Negara) with University of Malaya (UM) and National Space Agency Malaysia (ANGKASA). The Forum was held in National Space Center, Banting Selangor, attended by …

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European HE Funding Bulletin – Issue 27

Here is the 27th edition of the UK Higher Education International Unit’s European Higher Education Funding Bulletin which provides information on current European funding programmes and calls for proposals for higher education and international activity from a variety of different sources outside those of the EU research and innovation programme. If you have any comments or …

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Invitation to CREST R&D Grant Briefing and Funding Details

Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science and Technology (CREST) is a company established to spearhead Research & Development, Talent Development and Commercialization in the effort to accelerate economic growth of the Electrical and Electronic Industry in Malaysia. We offer R&D grants for collaborative research projects between industries and universities in various science and engineering disciplines relevant …

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The Conversation: The University of Nottingham is a founding member

“The Conversation is a new journalism project featuring content from the sharpest academic minds.“, so says the blurb on the the front page of TheConversation (other posts featuring TheConversation can be seen here). The University of Nottingham is a founding member of this initiative, along with many other UK Universities. Academics from the University of …

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UNMC-IEM Student Chapter Activities: Visit to Proton Manufacturing Plant and Engineering Leadership Program

This post was contributed by Hii Ching Lik Visit to Proton manufacturing plant, Shah Alam: A group of 40 students including 2 lecturers from the Faculty of Engineering have recently visited the Proton manufacturing plant in Shah Alam on 3rd December 2013. Accompanying them were two lecturers from the Faculty of Engineering Dr Hii Ching …

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Pack Santa’s Sleigh and share a prize pool of $10,000

It’s a little late to help Santa this year, but as this competition does not close until the 26th January 2014, I guess the man in red is already looking towards next year! The competition, arranged by Kaggle, asks you to pack Santa’a sleigh in the most efficient way possible. It is actually an abstraction …

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