January 8, 2014, by Graham Kendall

Elephants are making the headlines, for all the wrong reasons

I am in the UK at the moment and, picking up The Independent, I noticed that they had a piece about elephants. It turns out that they have a campaign against the loss of elephants in the world.

This is a quote from their campaign:

Elephant Crisis

In 2011, more African elephants were killed than any other year in history. The figures for 2012 and 2013 are not yet known, but are likely to be even higher. At current rates, in twelve years, there will be none left.

It is a familiar cause, but it has never been more urgent. Poaching has turned industrial. Armed militia fly in helicopters over jungle clearings, machine gunning down entire herds. Their tusks are then sold to fund war and terrorism throughout the continent and the wider world. Ivory is still illegal, but as China booms, it is more popular than ever.

This campaign will raise money to support rangers on the ground to protect Kenya’s elephants from armed poachers, together with Space for Giants’ longer term work to create new wildlife sanctuaries where elephants will be safe, forever. More can be found about the charity at Space for Giants

Given the work that is carried out at UNMC, particularly through the MEME (Malaysian & Ecology of Malaysian Elephants) project, the above links are well worth a look as it gives lots of information about this topic.

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