Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

Centre for Advanced Study UNMC Engagement Week

Responding to popular demand, we are delighted to welcome Professor Pat Thomson, Professor of Education and Director of the Centre for Advanced Study, Nottingham UK, back to UNMC for a week of research and academic development activities. She will run a reprise of her successful Writing Workshop (both Shut Up and Write time and advice on Pitching to Refereed …

Invitation to participate in the International Exhibition and Competition “Invention, Innovation and Design Exposition 2014”

We have been asked by FASS to share information above this event. The research showcase themes cut across different faculties and it might be of interest for many staff. More details are available on this these two flyers (here and here).

The 3rd International Symposium on Processing of Foods, Vegetables and Fruits (ISPFVF 2014)

Participants are invited to submit an original research paper in their area of specialisation for oral / poster presentation. Topics available are such as food processing, food engineering, food ingredients, product development, halal food, food quality and analyses, functional food, food chemistry, food biotechnology, waste recovery and treatment, nutrition and health, packaging and storage, food …

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Knowledge Exchange and Innovation Awards

Please see the following message about an exciting opportunity to have your knowledge and innovation activities recognised. Please note that the deadline is the 24 Mar 2014 (so quite tight, but certainly do’able), so that start preparing your entry now. If you have any queries, please contact Anneke Love, Events Administrator e: or tel: …

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Is the journal an ISI journal?

This post comes under a short series articles, in the category of Research Tools, which we hope will help you as you carry out your research. The most useful of these posts will also be linked from UNMC’s Research and Knowledge Transfer web site to give another way to access this information. This post is …

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Biosafety Training Workshop

This is a message from Sandy Loh ( Please respond directly to Sandy, if you want to register, or want to know more. UNMC IBC and Department of Biosafety NRE, will be jointly organising a 2-day Biosafety Training Workshop tentatively scheduled on 3rd and 4th June 2014 at UNMC. The scope of the workshop includes …

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It still makes sense to build an overseas campus

“Students have always travelled in search of the best study opportunities and researchers have always collaborated across borders. But until fairly recently …” … so starts the piece that Chris Ennew has just published in the TheConversation (other posts featuring TheConversation can be seen here).

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A well deserved break?

I’m sure you all noticed that we did not post last week! We pride ourselves that we post every working day, but we took a break last week. It was partly enforced, as we could not access the web site, but it was also interesting to see if anybody noticed (they didn’t!). Anyway, we are …

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MyRA 2013 has been returned

We are pleased to inform you that our 2013 MyRA return has been made. The deadline was the 15th Feb, and we made the return earlier today (14th Feb). As always, this have involved  a lot of work, from a lot of people. I would personally like to thank the Research Support Office (Anita, Faizah …

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UNMC Associate Editors

For a presentation that we are doing to MoE, we have recently been collecting details of the Associate Editors that we have at UNMC. Being an Associate Editor is one of the key esteem indicators in academic life and it was pleasing to see that we have quite a few at UNMC. If there are …

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