Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

The Rockefeller Foundation Food Waste and Spoilage initiative

This post was contributed by Asgar Ali The Rockefeller Foundation Food Waste and Spoilage initiative facilitated by the Global Knowledge Initiative in Kuala Lumpur: – successes achieved by Malaysia in reducing food loss, such that these lessons learned might be applied to the African context where post-harvest loss remains a significant and complex challenge Approximately …

Branching Out

This post was contributed by Rida Khan and Olivia Dumas As part of its closing act, the ‘Global Citizen Workshop 2014’ ended with a small(er) round-table discussion before waving adieu to the many delegates that had attended over the past few days. Issues of branch campuses, internationalisation of both the curriculum and the experience were …

Pi (3.14159265359) Day

      Even if you know nothing about mathematics, most people will have heard of Pi. It is the number given by the the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter and is, arguably, the most well known number in mathematics. Such is the importance of the number that it has its own …

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Crowd sourcing helps search for missing plane

This is an extract from The Star Online. ‘The MH370-specific search was launched on March 10. Also sifting through the images was Associate Prof Dr Tuong-Thuy Vu, geospatial researcher at the School of Geography the University of Nottingham, Malaysia. “It’s actually very helpful when thousands of people work together to locate something,” he said in …

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Twitter at the Global Citizenship Workshop

This week saw UNMC host, and organise, the Global Citizenship Workshop. Congratulations should go to all those involved. The sessions I attended were very good, and very well attended, and I hope that it is the catalyst for developing the various strands that were debated (and, of course scientific publications, but I have to say …

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Periodic Table of Videos (Boron – 5 – B)

In this series, we are presenting videos from the Periodic Table of Videos (Web Site / YouTube) project. This project shows a short video about each of the chemical elements. The video below looks at Boron, which has an atomic number of 5 and the symbol B. Previous blog entries on this topic can be …

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Palgrave Macmillan: Free access through March

Throughout March 2014, Palgrave Macmillan is offering free access to its journals. This is a great opportunity to catch up with articles that you may not normally have access to. In my area, for example, I publish in the Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS) and I don’t think we have an institutional subscription …

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The science that makes us spend more in supermarkets, and feel good while we do it

“When you walk into a supermarket, you probably want to spend as little money as possible. The supermarket wants you to spend as much money as possible. Let battle commence.” … so starts the article that we recenty published in TheConversation. It looks at some of the strategies that supermarkets use to try to get …

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GEP 14: Emerging Markets and Financial Integration

The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus recently hosted a major international conference on ‘Emerging Markets and Financial Integration’. The conference is organised by the world-leading research institute the Nottingham Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy (GEP), Centre for Finance, Credit and Macroeconomics| (CFCM) and the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus School of Economics. …

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No Pain, No Gain – Cutting Subsidies is Necessary For Malaysia’s Future Prosperity

The University of Nottingham Institute of Asia Pacific Studies, Malaysia in association with The British High Commission KL invites you to attend the first in a series of highly topical  panel debates: No Pain, No Gain – Cutting Subsidies is Necessary For Malaysia’s Future Prosperity. Malaysia faces burgeoning government debt, depleting oil reserves and the threat of …

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