A Part of Me Forever
January 21, 2016
It has now been a month since I returned from my semester abroad studying music at The University of Hong Kong. I’ve left it this long before writing a blog about my time there as it’s hard to find the words that can truly sum up how incredible an experience it was. I know …
The Study Abroad Adventure
September 1, 2015
By the time this has been published, I will be experiencing my first week as an international exchange student at the University of Hong Kong. The chance to spend four months abroad, immersing myself in culture, being educated from a different perspective and meeting other students from all over the world: I had hoped to …
Skyscrapers, Mountains and Great Adventures; Studying Abroad at The University of Hong Kong
October 28, 2014
Sometimes being a little bit reckless has its benefits. When I first applied to study abroad for the autumn semester of my second year I didn’t really think it through. Entranced by glitzy images on the Lonely Planet website I applied to study abroad in Hong Kong. However, two months in I can safely say …
Can a Title Really Sum This Up…. ?
April 13, 2014
It was my last day of work placement today at Boosey and Hawkes Music Publishers, and wow… I’m feeling much sadder than I thought I would be! It feels very strange to think that I won’t be going back next week because, despite going for the purpose of working, every Friday has actually felt like …
First Year…First Term!
February 21, 2014
I now attempt to fit the whole term into a concise and hopefully interesting account of the life of a music fresher, so …. here goes! Freedom begins from day one, parents telling you what to do is a thing of the past and there are no more teachers to boss you around, now it’s …
Year 1. Term 1. Armageddon.
February 13, 2014
The first term is a bit like a Salvador Dali painting. Confusing. It’s a cliché, but I cannot believe how long ago that first September week in the Music Department feels. The first few weeks have a feeling of forced friendliness. Everyone needs friends, but oh don’t they know it! Seas of faces smear smiles over …
The finale of the year…
May 22, 2013
Handing in assignments is never a stress-free period. The 16th May was no exception. Looking back over the previous (Spring) term, it seems impossible to write in such a concise manner that I display the vast knowledge I have gained over the term from my modules. Yet all I know have to do is sit …
Blogs are Bach…
March 26, 2013
I can only apologise for the awfully punny titles but I just can’t help it. Anyway it’s now the end of the second term for me and this one has been pretty good. Less manic than last term and I kind of feel I know what I’m doing now! Studying quite a contrast of subjects …
Freshers fanfair
September 30, 2012
Nottingham University is undoubtedly one of the biggest, busiest and most elating universities in the country! From the minute you’ve moved into your halls of accommodation, your first year kicks off with a bang with a whole week dedicated to Freshers. This week is packed with different events you won’t want to miss including wild …
Any plans for lunch..?
September 21, 2012
For a music student at the University of Nottingham, life does not just revolve around lectures and seminars. The Music Department is also home to three of the university’s biggest music societies, namely Mussoc, Opsoc and Blowsoc. Blowsoc is the society for wind, brass and percussion players and we’ve already been very busy this year! …
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