Making Sense of Deleuzian Problematisation
November 12, 2019
Last night, the Centre for Critical Theory had the pleasure of hosting international visiting speaker, Jeffrey Bell, Professor of Philosophy at Southeastern Louisiana University in the US. Professor Bell is a well-known scholar in the field of Deleuze Studies. Among his book-length publications are The Problem of Difference: Phenomenology and Poststructuralism (University of Toronto Press: …
Silvia Federici: Public Lecture at Nottingham Contemporary (Saturday June 29th, 5-7pm)
June 25, 2019
Feminist writer, thinker and activist Silvia Federici will talk about housework as a critical terrain in the class struggle against capitalism, as well as social and institutional violence against women, including the new witch-hunts. This surge of violence has occurred as an expansion of capitalist accumulation through enclosure and land dispossession from women, indigenous and …
Third Speaker in the Toxic Positivity Series: Liz Morrish
May 30, 2019
On Tuesday 21st May, the third speaker in our Toxic Positivity series was Liz Morrish. She is an independent scholar and activist for resistance to managerial appropriation of the university who spoke out about mental health in the university three years ago. It resulted in her resignation from an academic post, but did not end …
Toxic Positivity in the University – Second Speaker: Dr Jamie Woodcock (16th May)
May 12, 2019
Please do join us for the second instalment of the Centre for Critical Theory’s ‘Toxic Positivity in the University‘ series which is taking place next week. Dr Jamie Woodcock (University of Oxford) is a sociologist of work who focuses on digital labour, the gig economy and resistance. At 5pm in room A46 of the Trent Building, on …
Will McCrory: Placement at Nottingham Contemporary
April 12, 2019
My name is Will McCrory and I’m a third year PhD candidate in The Centre for Critical Theory and my research focuses on post-Independence Indian Modernism. I recently started a three-month M4C placement with Nottingham Contemporary’s Public Programme team. From the start of my PhD I knew I wanted to take a placement with one …
Lacan Study Group – Discussion Board
October 24, 2017
Hi All, So it was decided in the Lacan Study Group that we would benefit from some sort of rolling blog or discussion forum to help us in engaging with Lacan’s third seminar on the psychoses. To that end, we are going to hijack this blog! It is hoped that everyone involved can post questions …
The Lacan Study Group Returns!
October 5, 2017
Last year, the Lacan Study Group worked on Lacan’s 23rd seminar on The Sinthome, which focussed on James Joyce and the hypothesis of his psychotic structure. This year, so that new members can start with a different text but also so that former members can continue exploring some of the same questions, we will go …
Register for the Centre for Critical Theory’s End of Summer School Now!
September 19, 2016
You won’t want to miss this! The Centre for Critical Theory, in conjunction with the public programme at the Nottingham Contemporary, has organised a second ‘End of Summer School’ to follow on from the success of last year’s events. With these workshops over two days, we continue to invite participation in collaborative explorations of the …
New Lacanian School Congress in Dublin
February 10, 2016
Hi All, Some of you, especially those of you coming along to the Lacan Study Group, should be interested in this. It’s the annual congress of the New Lacanian School which is happening on the 2nd and 3rd of July. Last year it was in Geneva, but this year it is closer to home, in James …
Winter Detox Workshop at Nottingham Contemporary January 19th
January 14, 2016
Toxic Objects and Inhospitable Environments Tuesday January 19th 4.00 – 8.00 What better way to start the New Year than with a detox?! Mobilising the language of toxicity is a tried and tested element of strategies for individualised health management (”Detox!”, “Declutter!” and so on) but it quickly shifts into territories that are far …
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