Lacan Study Group – Discussion Board
October 24, 2017
Hi All, So it was decided in the Lacan Study Group that we would benefit from some sort of rolling blog or discussion forum to help us in engaging with Lacan’s third seminar on the psychoses. To that end, we are going to hijack this blog! It is hoped that everyone involved can post questions …
New Lacanian School Congress in Dublin
February 10, 2016
Hi All, Some of you, especially those of you coming along to the Lacan Study Group, should be interested in this. It’s the annual congress of the New Lacanian School which is happening on the 2nd and 3rd of July. Last year it was in Geneva, but this year it is closer to home, in James …
Conference: The Subject of Addiction (8-9th September)
August 10, 2014
Dear All, I am delighted to be able to alert you to The Centre for Critical Theory’s upcoming conference entitled The Subject of Addiction: Culture and Clinic which is taking place in Highfields House on the 8th and 9th of September. This interdisciplinary event brings together critical and cultural theorists with clinical practitioners in order to interrogate …
Seminar: ‘The Line, The Symbol and Lacan’
May 26, 2014
You are all cordially invited to this seminar which will be led by Associate Professor Matthew Del Nevo who is senior lecturer in philosophy at the Catholic Institute of Sydney, Australia. It will take place in room A46 of the Trent Building, 5-7, on Thursday the 26th of June. It will be relevant to staff …
What is Psychology? Badiou Interviews Foucault in 1965
May 22, 2014
For all the interviews of Michel Foucault that are available in English there are still some that are not available while others are only partially available. An abbreviated and edited version of Alain Badiou’s interview with Foucault on the origins and status of psychology (“Philosophy and Psychology.”) is available in The Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984, Volume 2, …
Is The Unconscious Historical? (Part 2)
March 11, 2014
This interview is published in two parts. In Part 1 discussion focused on the origins of psychoanalysis, its historical debt to hysteria and the fall of the ‘Master’. In this second part, the discussion moved onto the symptoms of neoliberalism and the challenges faced by the clinician and the activist. SG: If hysteria is a symptom of …
Is the Unconscious Historical?: Conversations on the Origin of Psychoanalysis and its Clinical and Political Relevance Today (Part 1)
February 13, 2014
This interview will appear in two parts. In Part 1, the discussion focused on the origins of psychoanalysis, its historical debt to hysteria, and the fall of the ‘Master’ … Samuel Grove: In my own work I am interested in the consilience between Darwin, Marx and Freud. Darwin and Marx were incontrovertibly historical thinkers. In what …
Free Book! Badiou in Jamaica: The Politics of Conflict
June 26, 2013
As promised in an earlier post, here I am blowing my own trumpet! My book, Badiou in Jamaica: The Politics of Conflict is finally out. I went with Re.Press because they are an Open Access publisher committed to enabling intellectual work at a distance from the market logics increasingly dominating even academic publishing. In other words, …
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