Vital Theory Paper: Re-membering, human rights and neoliberalism
December 19, 2014
The human rights project, ostensibly hegemonic since the collapse of communism, has gained most traction in so- called transitional societies, a term which does not describe an anomaly, so much as it does a practice designed to manage the global order of things. It describes the ever more frequent process in which the end of …
Deconstructing Transitional Justice: Opening a New Space for Critique?
September 11, 2013
In her article titled simply Deconstructing Transitional Justice, Catherine Turner notes ‘the rise of transitional justice has been stellar, but it is a field in which theory has failed to keep pace… while there has been significant critical engagement with the requirements of transition… this critique has focused on the need to ensure a more …
Denaturalising Terror Suspects in the Age of Drone Strikes: British Sovereignty and Homo Sacer in the “War on Terror”
March 20, 2013
In the early years of the “War on Terror” academic attention was drawn to the ways in which this new paradigm in international relations had begun to shift not only the nature of armed conflicts, but also our assumed understandings of sovereignty and the law. But while both these shifts had developed out of a …
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