“I’m scientist, Get me out of Here!” – My time as a ‘contestant’

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to work with other academics and school students from all over the UK on an exciting outreach project: I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here!” is an online event, where school students meet and interact with academics and learn about their work and the impact it has. …

@wethehumanities: My week discussing linguistics and languages on Twitter

Twitter is a great platform to share your work and connect with other people who are interested in similar topics and issues. In July, I took a break from tweeting from my usual account @SaschaStollhans, and I took over the @wethehumanities Twitter account for a week in July 2015 to share my thoughts on linguistics, …

‘I’m writing a book about love letters’: My MHRA Research Scholarship

Pitching your book proposal to an editor is apparently a bit like appearing on the game show ‘The Bachelor’ (according to Rachel Toor’s article, ‘The Reality of Writing a Good Book Proposal’). ‘The Bachelor’ is a reality TV show where a man has to pick one woman to take out on a date, rejecting the …