Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film and Culture: International Conference
As announced in an earlier CLAS blog post, an international conference on Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film and Culture was hosted by the Department of German Studies on 13-15 April 2015. The conference, which was held in Highfield House, was organised by Dr Katya Krylova, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in the Department of German Studies, and …
Onesies, adjective endings and the Bremer Stadtmusikanten: my summer at a German university
Emily O’Malley, Year 2 German (Beginners) and History, was one of the four Nottingham students who were granted a scholarship by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) to attend a summer course at a German university last year. (The internal deadline for this year’s application round is 12 November – please get in touch with …
Sinterklaas, Cinderella and Sauerkraut…
With the academic year 2013-14 drawing to a close, DAAD-Lektor Sascha Stollhans looks back at some of the events held in the German Department over the past twelve months… The German Department offers various opportunities for students to practise their German and get insights into German culture outside the classroom. There is a wide range …
Nicola McLelland on BBC Radio Nottingham
For a change, here’s an audio post on the Blog. Last week, Head of German Nicola McLelland was interviewed on BBC Radio Nottingham about language learning in the UK. Click below to listen…
Writer in Residence 2014: Sudabeh Mohafez visits Nottingham
A special guest is about to visit the School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies. DAAD-Sprachassistentin Anke Bohm from the Department of German tells us more… The Department of German is delighted to welcome our Writer in Residence 2014 Sudabeh Mohafez. She will be staying with us from 24 February for two weeks. The German-Iranian …
Nottingham Advantage Award: Students Become Teachers!
During the Autumn Semester 2013-14, and fresh from their year abroad as British Council Language Assistants, three CLAS final-year undergraduate students – Olivia Gowie and Matthew York from the Department of German Studies, and Melissa Watson from the Department of French & Francophone Studies – undertook a language-teaching project at Greenfields Primary School, Nottingham, as …
Postdramatic Theatre and the Political
Postdramatic Theatre and the Political – International Perspectives on Contemporary Performance is an exciting new collection of essays, edited by Dr Jerome Carroll and Prof Steve Giles from the Department of German Studies here at Nottingham, and Dr Karen Jürs-Munby from Lancaster University, about the political claims of postdramatic theatre. The book, which has just …
A Most Curious Case: The Trials and Tribulations of the Genitive in Dutch and German
In the 19th century, the Dutch genitive case was referred to as the ‘holy case’ by the poet and novelist Jacob van Lennep (1802-1868) because, like certain sacred names in Judaism, it was written but not spoken. By this, he meant that the genitive occurred still in careful written language but that it had all …
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