Work Experience: a week in the School of Cultures, Languages and Area studies
The leaves are turning brown, Halloween is fast approaching and one more student comes along, eager to find out what goes on behind the scenes inside a Russell Group University. Hi, I’m Holly and I spent 5 days working at the University of Nottingham, alongside their wonderful CLAS department, which stands for Cultures, Languages and …
University Language Ambassadors – An inspirational strand in UK schools’ language strategy
It seems that rarely a day goes by without a negative news story about the decline of languages in UK schools (see BBC News, Language learning: German and French drop by half in Schools and The Independent, Britain’s dwindling language skills are a disaster for the country and needs action, MPs warn for recent examples). …
Work experience in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
Bienvenue! This week, at the University of Nottingham, we certainly received, as the French would say, an ‘acceuil royal’, during our work experience here in the Faculty of Arts. Thanks to the organisation of Tara Webster-Deakin, we’ve had a brilliantly varied week, all whilst getting an insight into the intricacies of the University of Nottingham …
Happy European Day of Languages to all of our students, colleagues and local businesses!
As part of the Languages for Business team, I’ve been thinking about how we translate the varied and culturally-steeped language of business networking. Is it true that there are only two types of people in the world – those who love networking and those who would rather communicate via messenger pigeon than don a nametag …
My MA in Translation Studies with Interpreting at the University of Nottingham
I’d always planned to become a translator. The career seemed to fit my abilities and interests well so the die was cast on my academic path. The translation modules I did as part of my undergraduate degree in Modern Language Studies (French, Spanish and Dutch) only whetted my appetite further for continuing my study of …
Kölsch und Kultur: DAAD study trip to Cologne
Most linguists agree that there is no better way to practise your language skills than immersing yourself in the country, where there are countless opportunities to talk with native speakers every day and situations which really test your knowledge, pushing you to utilise your expertise. This was put into practice by the German Department over …
Rethinking Literary Realism in Global Comparative Perspective – Leverhulme Trust funds Nottingham-led International Research Network
More than a hundred years ago the rise of the modernist avant-garde seemed to make obsolete the literary Realism that dominated nineteenth-century European literature. However, realist forms of representation remain well and truly alive in literature, and also in photography, film, and the digital media. The transformation and return of realist poetics after modernism and …
MA Translation Reflections
A number of people have asked why, with over 20 years experience in the translation industry, I decided to apply to do the MA in translation. It wasn’t going to progress my career – I am already a company director, and studying part time was a major challenge on top of a demanding full time …
“I’m scientist, Get me out of Here!” – My time as a ‘contestant’
Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to work with other academics and school students from all over the UK on an exciting outreach project: I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here!” is an online event, where school students meet and interact with academics and learn about their work and the impact it has. …
@wethehumanities: My week discussing linguistics and languages on Twitter
Twitter is a great platform to share your work and connect with other people who are interested in similar topics and issues. In July, I took a break from tweeting from my usual account @SaschaStollhans, and I took over the @wethehumanities Twitter account for a week in July 2015 to share my thoughts on linguistics, …
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