Nineteenth-century German literature reflects globalisation and modernisation
The literature of German Realism, written between c. 1840 and 1900, has often traditionally been seen as a turn against modernisation, a retreat into German provincialism and hence a deviation from the European literary trajectory from Romanticism to Modernism. International scholarship in German literary studies since the later 1990s has challenged this idea, and research into …
Windows on War: An Online Poster Exhibition
In 1969 as part of the legacy of Vivian de Sola Pinto (formerly Professor of English) the University acquired a rare collection of Soviet posters from WWII. These posters were hand-made almost every day during the war to keep the population abreast of progress, to maintain morale and attack the enemy. Yes, they are propaganda, …
Klop: a new student production in Russian
It has been many months in the making, but the countdown is finally being marked in days. Back at the beginning of term, a small group of postgraduates in Russian and Slavonic Studies, led by Jesse Gardiner and Laura Todd, met with a group of undergraduate Russian students in the hope of recruiting them for …
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