Helen Cridland in front of Ayers Rock

July 18, 2024, by Jackie Thompson

Taking time out: a chance to have a mental reset

By Helen Cridland, law graduate

I studied law at UoN, graduated in 2019 and started working as a paralegal a few months afterwards. Mainly due to Covid, I moved around a few different firms in various areas of law, including spending a year living with my parents and working at a local firm. During this time, I was also applying for training contracts to train as a solicitor. I was excited to be offered a training contract in Nottingham starting in September 2024.

The chance to travel

Following this offer, I decided to stop working as a paralegal so I could study my Legal Practice Course and master’s course full time. This meant I would have the chance to travel for around eight months before starting the final two years of my route to qualification. My parents met when they were both working in Australia and growing up it had always been somewhere that I knew I wanted to travel if I got the chance.

With the rucksack packed…

After completing my LPC, I packed up my rucksack and boarded a flight to Bangkok. I spent a month travelling Thailand and Malaysia with my boyfriend and then we headed to Australia. While my boyfriend had a full-time job in Melbourne, I really wanted to travel the country and so with Melbourne as my base, I started my travels. I knew roughly where I wanted to go and when but kept it as flexible as possible so that I could make plans with the people I met along the way.

The best decision

I have absolutely loved the experience so far and can say, without a doubt, it is the best decision I have ever made. I have spent three months living in Melbourne with my boyfriend and the rest of the time solo travelling all over Australia, staying in hostels and travelling by Greyhound bus.

I’ve visited endless beautiful places, met so many people and become friends with people from all over the world. Most importantly, I feel like it’s been a real chance to have a mental reset and, although I’ll be really sad to leave Australia in a few weeks, I’m also looking forward to seeing my friends and family and starting the final part of qualification. I also think the experience has made me more confident as it has become very normal to start conversations with strangers on the bus!

Reflecting on my experience

I would highly recommend taking time out to travel if you have the chance to. Australia’s Working Holiday Visa (WHV) allows you both to travel and to work in the country, and so it is a great option if you don’t want to be travelling non-stop or need to earn some money along the way.

My recommendation would be to have a clear idea of how much money you are willing to spend while travelling and also to have more saved than you think you will need just in case.

Also, try to be flexible with your route as your plans will change based on the people you meet and the recommendations you’re given along the way.

And finally, enjoy it! We work so hard through university and to get onto the career ladder so travelling can be a much-needed mental reset and a great way to reflect upon what you have achieved so far.

If you’re thinking about taking some time out, read our advice on your options and next steps. 

Posted in Alumni Stories