View of a city with 2021 written on the road

January 19, 2021, by stykjsk

2021: New Year.. Old You?

By Katy Skillen, third year MNutr student

Well, we’re a few weeks into 2021 by now. Maybe you’ve become a brand-new version of yourself, or perhaps you gave up on your New Year’s resolutions within a week.

The New Year is a great time for new beginnings, in your personal as well as professional life. However, it’s important not to neglect everything we have done previously. Often, I find myself wanting to keep moving my career journey onto the next big thing. Instead of finding something new, I want to start this new year valuing what I already have.

Make the most of previous contacts

Don’t just forget about your previous workplace once you’ve moved on – you never know when it may come in handy again! You may have to use your previous employers as referees, so always stay on good terms with them. Or you may also want to return to a workplace. You could take on the same summer job as previously or get a full-time role in a place you have interned at. Therefore, simple things like writing a thank you card when you leave a workplace can go a long way.

Stay connected

Remember to keep in contact with people you’ve worked with in the past, even if this is just in part-time jobs. There are so many colleagues that I loved working with but have just fallen out of touch with. Especially during lockdown, I’m making an effort to message or call old work friends, just to check in and see what they’ve been up to. LinkedIn and social media are a great way to keep up to date with what’s happening in your previous workplaces.

Draw from old experiences

It’s good to keep pushing on towards new things, but don’t move on too quickly. Remember to take time to reflect on things that you have learnt, so that you can grow from these experiences and apply it to future work. Moving from opportunity to opportunity means you never have a moment to fully appreciate the experience. Always take a well-deserved break before rushing onto the next big thing.

List making is your best friend

Before switching or moving onwards with your career, I recommend taking time to properly think about why you are doing this. Make lists on what you liked about previous jobs, what you learnt, and what you’re looking for in your next job.

Don’t rush

Even if all your friends are getting new jobs, this doesn’t mean you have rush into something new as well. Amazingly, almost half of millennials change job within just two years! While there is nothing wrong with wanting to find something new, sometimes it can be nice to stay in the same place for a while. Remember, choose what’s best for you and don’t be caught up in peer-pressure.

Hopefully, lots of important new beginnings will occur this year. But 2021 doesn’t have to be all about change. So, try not to move on too quickly and remember to take time to appreciate everything you have.

Need support for big career moves? Consider chatting to staff from the Careers team.

Posted in Careers AdviceStudent Bloggers