part time work unitemps

August 5, 2016, by Carla

How to Find Part Time Work with Unitemps: Q and A

Esther Akanya, BA Politics and International Relations

We asked Esther Akanya, who studied Politics and International Relations at Nottingham, about her experience with Unitemps and she gives us the lowdown including the highs and lows.

Why did you register with Unitemps?

I registered with Unitemps because I wanted to develop my CV and to get some experience working in the UK. I had started thinking about my career and I wasn’t sure I had enough on my CV to help me secure a good job.

Did you get the first job you applied for?

Once I registered for Unitemps, I applied for jobs straightaway. I wasn’t shortlisted for the first five jobs I applied for so I booked a CV session with the Careers and Employability Service. Soon afterwards I was offered my first position as a conference assistant for the Widening Participation Team.

What jobs have you done?

I have worked in several roles across the University: the shortest role was for one day as a student ambassador and my longest assignment lasted 11 months with the Research and Graduate Services Team. Here are some of my other assignments:

  • Mailout Helper – Admissions Office
  • Welcome Team Assistants – Student services
  • Graduation Helper – Alumni Office
  • Exams Invigilator – Exam Team
  • Finance Administrator – Ann Craft Trust

What are the best things about Unitemps?

They offer a variety of positions that cater to different skill-sets and experience. It is a good way to start building a CV if you are struggling to find a job and it also a good way to get into the habit of applying for jobs.

Assignments tend to be short therefore, if you are looking to make some money over the holidays and looking to save up, Unitemps is a good place to start your search.

Unitemps usually offers assignments on the different campuses – all of which have good travel links.  I never really spend much on transport, which is great for my finances.

What don’t you like about assignments?

As the roles are often short-lived, it means I have to leave colleagues that I have enjoyed working with or an assignment that I have really enjoyed. Moving around also means that you tend to be the new person, which means learning lots of names and dealing with IT issues!

What advice would you give students about working with Unitemps?

My top two tips on applying and working with Unitemps

  1. Don’t take on more than what you can handle: make sure you are applying for jobs that don’t clash with your lectures and seminars.
  2. Always carry out your assignment to your best ability: hiring managers provide feedback to Unitemps, which is very useful when applying for your next job!

If you want to find out more about Unitemps, check out their website and register now! You can also find more information about part time work online. 

Posted in Applying For JobsWork experience