SUDSnet International conference and network

In this blog Vladimir Krivtsov shares his very positive impressions of the recent SUDSnet conference, which he had the pleasure to attend at the end of August 2018. It took place at Coventry University, and was dedicated to the celebration of 15 years of SUDSnet’s existence. SUDSnet is a UK-wide network for researchers, practitioners, agencies, developers …

Human-Environment Interactions and the El Niño Costero floods in Piura, Northern Peru

In this blog, Leon Kapetas discusses flooding, vulnerability and risk management in Piura, Peru. When Piura’s civil protection team asked residents to evacuate their villages in Piura’s river floodplain, they hesitated to leave. They knew that a flood was going to arrive soon and put themselves and their properties at risk, but they also knew …

Using System Dynamics for Sustainable Water Management in Ebbsfleet: Part 2

In a previous blog (System Dynamics Part 1), we gave a presentation of the Ebbsfleet case study, summarised what delivering a System Dynamics model could entail and began the process of developing the model by defining the problem. In this blog post, we will go over the next step, the definition of metrics and variables, while …