Restoring the Dignity of Johnson Creek (Portland, Oregon)

This is the second of our audio blogs and presents the after dinner speech given by Professor Colin Thorne (University of Nottingham) at the Annual Assembly of the Johnson Creek Watershed Council (JCWC), 22 May 2014, hosted at Reed College, Portland, Oregon. Colin and the Blue-Green Cities Team were in Portland in May 2014 as part …

Co-location research; it’s not just about the work…there are mountain trails to climb!

On Saturday May 10th several of the Clean Water for All (CWFA) team (and some willing hiking partners including Noelwah Netusil, Reed College and part of the CWFA team) took a break from the research and headed over the Columbia River into Washington State to climb the Hamilton Mountain trail (part of the Columbia River Gorge). This …

Faith Chan (UNNC) meets with Blue-Green Cities in Portland, May 2014

Blog post by Faith Chan, Lecturer of Environmental Sciences at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) campus. Rapid socio-economic growth and human-induced developmental effects in China is making an eye-catching global success story with tremendous business and employment opportunities attracting huge settlements on China’s coastal port cities. However, the projected effects of climate change may …

3rd EU IAHR Congress: Porto, Portugal (April 2014)

Blog post by Deonie Allen (Heriot-Watt University). The 3rd EU IAHR (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research) conference was recently held in Porto, the beautiful river city of North West Portugal. This city is best known for its discovery of Port, the aged red wine originating from this area and as a UNESCO world heritage …

National Flood Forum Annual Conference

Community Flood Risk Management : Improving effectiveness and efficiency On 13th March, Shaun Maskrey and Glyn Everett visited London to attend the National Flood Forum’s 2014 Annual Conference, entitled Community Flood Risk Management : Improving effectiveness and efficiency. This was a very interesting day, which began with talks from Dan Rogerson MP, Minister for Environment, Food …

Clean Water for All workshop Newcastle March 2014

This blog discusses an exciting new initiative between the Blue-Green Cities team and colleagues from the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Portland-Vancouver ULTRA (Urban Long-term Research Area) project (or PVU). Blog post by Emily Lawson. The Clean Water for All (CWFA) project began in January 2014 with an aim to build long-term, collaborative partnerships with American …

Planning for climate change in Nottingham – the potential role of Blue-Green infrastructure

On Friday 21st February, I (Emily Lawson, University of Nottingham) attended a workshop hosted by the Green Alliance Climate Leadership Programme with Lilian Greenwood MP. The workshop title was ‘Planning for climate change in Nottingham’, which resulted in some excellent discussions on strategies for managing future extreme events, e.g. flooding and drought, and the importance of …

A Blue-Green Approach to Flood Risk Management in Asia’s Mega-deltas?

Can we adapt the Blue-Green approach for flood risk management and make it a suitable alternative to traditional hard engineering for addressing some of the flooding issues in Asia’s urban mega-deltas?  After hearing about the severe flooding that affected Ningbo (and surrounding areas in Zhejiang), China, in mid-October 2013, I have been reading up on some …

Nick Mount talks drainage in São Paulo, Brazil (audio blog)

Presenting the first Blue-Green Cities audio blog! Emily Lawson and Nick Mount (School of Geography, University of Nottingham) discuss the current drainage structure in São Paulo, Brazil, and potential for future implementation measures to reduce the flood risk and transform the character of the city while delivering multiple benefits to the region. Go to audio blog. …

My Research… Sangaralingam Ahilan

This first blog post by Sangaralingam Ahilan from the University of Leeds will give some insight into his academic background, his role in the Blue-Green Cities Research Project and what he has been working on recently. Ahilan has a civil engineering background and was awarded his primary degree from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, …