Nick Mount talks drainage in São Paulo, Brazil (audio blog)

Presenting the first Blue-Green Cities audio blog! Emily Lawson and Nick Mount (School of Geography, University of Nottingham) discuss the current drainage structure in São Paulo, Brazil, and potential for future implementation measures to reduce the flood risk and transform the character of the city while delivering multiple benefits to the region. Go to audio blog. …

My Research… Sangaralingam Ahilan

This first blog post by Sangaralingam Ahilan from the University of Leeds will give some insight into his academic background, his role in the Blue-Green Cities Research Project and what he has been working on recently. Ahilan has a civil engineering background and was awarded his primary degree from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, …

WIT conference on ‘Sustainable Cities’ Malaysia 2013

Blog post by Glyn Everett, Centre for Floods, Communities and Resilience, University of the West of England (CFCR UWE). I work on WP2c of the Blue-Green Cities (BGC) project, looking to develop evidence-based rules of individual and institutional behaviour in response to flooding and different flood risk management strategies, that we can feed into an …