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Exam stress tips – from A levels to Uni life

This blog was written by first year English student, Phoebe Raine. Hello, I’m Phoebe, a first-year English student. A year ago, I was sat exactly where you are – surrounded by colourful mind maps, struggling to add (or delete) those extra 500 words for coursework, and questioning whether it’s all worth it. From somebody who …

The Benefits of Group Study Sessions

This blog was written by second year English with Creative Writing student, Holly Humphreys. It can be easy to get weighed down by essay deadlines and exam revision, especially if you find yourself holed up in your room or squirrelled away in a corner of the library to do your work. One way to combat …

English at A Level vs English at Degree Level

This blog was written by first year English student, Harriet Mills. Having nearly completed my second term at University (scary) I have looked back at some of the differences to studying English at A Level vs Degree level. Firstly, I did 2 books for my A Levels, which seems almost too easy compared to the …

How to get the most out of podcasts

This blog post was written by final year English student, Hannah Smart. Last year, podcasts ceased to be niche and became mainstream. The podcast is a valuable resource, particularly to an English student, since, unlike a Kindle book, for example, the podcast is an addition to, rather than a replacement of, our usual content consumption …

What to look for on a University Open/Offer-Holder Day?

This blog was written by second year English student, Emily Hall. After recently working as a student ambassador for the School of English’s offer holder day, where prospective students are invited to have a final look around the University before making their final choice of where they will be studying. It got me thinking about …

A New Place to Study

This blog was written by second year English student, Megan Bowie.  As I started to think about my formative essays this week, I realised I got easily distracted in my room by my surroundings whilst being at home. This made me think of where I could go to have an effective study day whilst on …

Handling Homesickness at University

This blog post was written by final year English student, Hannah Smart. For many of us, University is our first time living away from home. It is important to remember that your homesickness is valid even if you haven’t moved miles and miles away to university; it perhaps correlates better to time away from home, …

Disappointing Grades Aren’t Bad News!!

This blog was written by second year English student, Megan Bowie. With the arrival of results day, receiving a result that wasn’t as high as you were expecting can be disappointing, especially when you have put in all of your efforts. It is easy to feel disheartened and this is totally normal yet it doesn’t …

Three Nottingham Libraries that Offer More than Books

This blog was written by second year English with Creative Writing student, Bethany Mitchell.  I adore books as much as the next English student, so libraries are often my favourite places to be. Many of Nottingham’s fantastic libraries offer much more than just books, though! They are host to events and workshops, historical tours, and …

A Final Year Student’s Advice for Exam Season

This blog was written by final year English student, Hannah Smart. With exam season drawing to a close, we are all promising ourselves that next semester, it will be different. We will not make the same mistakes; we will start revising earlier, work longer hours, choose our coursework questions as soon as they are released, …