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Looking Back: 5th Change Agents Network Conference

This blog post was written by (2+2) English Language and Literature student, Yangyang Zheng. Last year in Easter, I flew from China to Exeter, UK for the Change Agents Network (CAN) conference with one of my team members, Sonia (Lexiao PENG). Our group focused on changing the Reading Circle program to be student-led and student-oriented and …

Tips and Tricks to Help You Stay Motivated During Exam Time

This blog post was written by second year English student, Jaya Prabhakar. Whether you have exams, coursework deadlines or both coming up, it’s safe to say that the exam period can be a stressful time and, like many of you reading this I’m sure, in the past I have struggled with the task of staying …

Harry Potter and the Library of Nostalgia

This blog post was written by first year English student, Polly Moss. Having reread the first Harry Potter book over Easter for my course, I was struck both by how nostalgic the book made me, as well as how far it was possible to continue to appreciate the series as both a child and as …