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‘These are the Best Days of your Life’

Sometimes being a student can be a little overwhelming. With student loan crises, endless deadlines and sub-par accommodation, being at university can seem like an endless struggle. However, in the midst of it all, it is important not to lose sight of reality. University has the potential to be one of the best experiences of …

A week in my life as a university student

University life is miles apart from the spoon-fed, laid-back student life I was used to at high school. For those of you wondering what university will be like (or what it’s like for someone on a different course to yours), here’s what a week in my life typically looks like*. Monday – Lectures used to …

How to Improve Your Week with Small Changes

How to  improve your week with small changes – it’s all about the baby steps! Getting back into the swing of University after a long summer break can be difficult and it’s easy to become overwhelmed. That’s why I’ve put together a list of small things which you can do every day to help keep …

‘Stranger Things’ of UoN

To celebrate Halloween, we’ve found ourselves in the upside down and rounded up some of the slightly ‘Stranger Things’ you may not know about the University of Nottingham. So grab your paddles and come with us on this curiosity voyage… 1. The Tunnel (…into the upside down?) “You shouldn’t like things because people tell you …

My Open Day Experience

Many moons ago, a curious young Lucy had to endeavour the novelty that is the university open day season. Oh, how I remember them days: every weekend I’d travel to a different part of the country with my tired, and somewhat confused, parents to visit a prospective university. The endless tours, lectures and chats with …

Three Weeks into Third Year

Somehow, I have managed to complete full two weeks of uni *pats myself on the back*. If we were being technical, I actually done three, because you know, Welcome Week and all that *gives myself an even bigger pat on the back*. So, as a university veteran who is now in their third and final …

How to Dress Like a Notts Student…

… or at least dress appropriately for the weather, that is. When you’re sat in a lecture theatre at 9am you will quickly realise that university is not a fashion show. Of course there will always be some people who appear to always be dressed to the nines, but the majority of people are more …

Quelling Your Fears Regarding Shared Bathrooms

At sixth form, I was pretty much one of the only people who was going to be living in shared accommodation at university. That is, the majority of my year had secured en-suite accommodation. Due to being an anomaly among my peers, it seemed to me that people went out of their way to tell …

How to Decorate Your University Room

Whether you’re moving into halls of residence or into a house away from campus, the chances are that your options décor wise are quite limited in regard to accommodation contracts and inventories. Nonetheless, in spite of any contractual obligations, nobody wants to live in an empty cell or a room, empty of signs of life …

How to Make Your Freshers’ Week Instagram Worthy

As reluctant as I am to say it, I am somewhat addicted to social media. Despite my best attempts to #liveinthemoment, I still find myself getting my phone out before to record my experiences. If you, like me, love to, or are planning on, making your Instagram a visual diary of your university experience, here …