Best Ways to Relax during Quarantine
May 13, 2020
It’s hard to keep calm and carry on during quarantine. As a third year student with deadlines approaching, it’s easy to feel stressed in the best of circumstances. With the added anxiety from these unprecedented times we find ourselves in, trying to study can seem overwhelming. Each of us has had to dramatically alter the …
Top Tips for Online Learning
March 26, 2020
Switching to online learning is new for a lot of us – and as all new things, it can be incredibly hard when you’ve never done it before. At least for me, it’s been weird; I’ve realised that being on campus and physically attending sessions gives me a sense of differentiation between rest and study …
Staying Motivated at University
March 18, 2020
Academic success at university often depends on staying motivated during periods of frustration and struggle. As deadlines approach and the workload piles on, staying motivated at university can be tough. It’s tempting to procrastinate and spend time focusing on other more fun activities. If you feel yourself beginning to lack motivation, distracted by current uncertainty, …
Committee roles, yay or nay?
February 24, 2020
Is being on a committee all it’s cracked up to be? We’ve all been there, innocently enjoying a year of our favourite sport or society at uni, until suddenly they spring it on you: committee elections.The wonderful student group you’ve grown to love can’t go on without a new set of fresh-faced committee members. But …
How to Improve Your Student Living
February 19, 2020
Many of you may be thinking about your accommodation next year. Maybe you’re a first year excited by the chance to move out of halls and live with friends. Or you might be a second year hoping for a better living experience in your final year. Student living can be difficult, there’s no one to …
A day in the life of a 4th year vet student
February 10, 2020
5am: I wake up bright and early to get straight outdoors for a kale smoothie and a run. Just kidding! I’m very much still asleep at 5am. And don’t even talk to me about kale. 8am: I wake up (for real this time), scroll through social media for a bit, and drag myself through the …
How to Budget in the Kitchen
February 5, 2020
The thought of cooking for yourself everyday can be quite daunting. Between lectures, deadlines, extra curriculars, and having a social life; cooking healthy meals each night all while living on a budget may seem impossible. But don’t worry, with a bit of planning and a few you-tube videos, cooking for yourself at university will become …
Top Five Things to Do at Sutton Bonington
January 27, 2020
Ah, Sutton Bonington campus. Approximately 10 miles south of University Park and Jubilee Campuses, it’s a place mostly unheard of by the majority of University of Nottingham students. But to me? It’s my home. I (of course) think it’s worth visiting all year round, but just in case you need more convincing, here are 5 …
My favourite apps to help you survive student life
January 17, 2020
My last blog post focused on starting afresh this decade and part of that delved into turning social media into something unimaginably positive and up-lifting. That got me thinking about the various ways technology helps us as university students. And as always, I wanted to share those reflections with you; after all, we all need …
The balancing act at university
October 7, 2019
More often than not, your time at university will feel like the ultimate balancing act. Between lectures, deadlines and extra-curricular activities, it can all get overwhelming sometimes. And whilst feeling that way is inevitable; it doesn’t have to ruin your time at university. After multiple breakdowns amidst years of juggling medical school, two committee roles …